The Plight of True Science.

Yeah...I'd say this is accurate.
Yeah...I'd say this is accurate.

Alright Look. Something that's always bothered me about modern day science, or modern day advocates of science, is just how much hubris and lack of humility many of them tend to have. But not only that right? But when you hear their claims and why they think science is absolute, they either don't hold water, make no sense at all, or they just resort to petty insults and name calling.

Now let me just preface this by saying that I am not referring to atheists when talking about least not spiritual ones. If you don't believe in god but still believe in spirituality, a great beyond or an essence of all things, then I have no quarrel with you and there are many religions that support your beliefs such as buddhism, taoism and Jainism as well as multiple other pagan style religions.

So this should really narrow down the types I'm talking about. Personally I considered myself an omnists , or someone That finds truth and Recognizes and respects all religions as sharing some form of common truth. But that's besides the point. The ones I'm talking about are New atheists and Anti-Theists that have corrupted the scientific world.

Now what I'm going to do is note 5 aspects that i feel is keeping science from progressing and how to fix it.

Insisting that Free will is an illusion.

I'll go over this first since it's the easiest to explain at least in my view. Now maybe I'm viewing this the wrong way or something.

But when I think Free will, I think the ability to make your own choices, Live life as you want to and expressing your individuality as a person.

Now the counter argument is that we have no free will and are pre-programmed to act a certain way. Whether by our genes or something else.

This is an example of having a mindset of Determinism and Fatalism.

Now say you knew someone who was an unapologetic jackass, someone who was like........Snaps fingers. Imagine if Killer Keemstar and Logan Paul Had a baby.

And one day you just had enough of his nonsense, confronted him about it, and he's just like "I'm sorry man, my genes made me do it. I can't help myself" I don't think you need to be a scientist or a genius to know that that is absolute bull. Yet people will actually do this as some people go one step further and say that determinism implies that individual human beings have no free will and because of that we cannot be held morally responsible for our own actions!


What kind of nonsense is that?! Of course you should be held responsible for that! That's like saying a child sex offender shouldn't be thrown in jail for raping a kid, because he genes told him to do it and he couldn't help himself. Nobody is gonna buy that shit, and you know it. No matter how you look at it, saying humans have no free will, is absolutely absurd.

Materialism basically boils down to 4 main roots.
1.Everything is mechanical
2.The laws of nature are fixed
3.Everything is meaningless.
4.Everything we see and experience is nothing more then the product of our brains.

In other words Materialism or Physicalism, is effectively a combination of Solipsism and Nihilism.

And it really just doesn't make any sense. Because anyone who can claim that our world is entirely made up of matter/mass or is completely physical, clearly doesn't know what a photon is. But really to say that everything is material or, we've got the universe figured out or w/e is quite possibly the most presumptuous thing I've ever heard. All this means is that our current scientific method has reached its limit and it's time to find a new approach.

Now Thankfully This is already happening. About 4 Years ago, Rupert sheldrake(who is considered a maverick in the scientific community) Along with 5 other PHD holding scientists as well as 2 MDs Published "The Manifesto of Post materialist Science" as viewable here.

More then 300 other scientists agree with this manifesto, and more of todays youth are showing interests in science such as quantum mechanics, and the study of the consciousness. Say what you will about rupart call him a quack or w/e, either way this is getting too big to really just brush to the side as mere pseudoscience.....Speaking of which.

Bias and Hostility in the scientific Community.

I honestly don't know whats worse, a lot of science advocates blind hostility towards any dissenting opinions, or the fact that half of the time a lot of them don't know what on earth they are talking about. I have seen this mentality from base internet comments about how anyone who doesn't agree with science is an idiot all the way up to rupert sheldrakes ted chat being censored for daring to question the modern day scientific approach.

For those who don't know in 2013 Rupert made this ted talk that was almost banned for "Advocating Pseudoscience", and the only reason it was Technically unbanned,(I say technically because it's more or less shoved in the corner of teds website, while still not being available on their youtube channel.) Is because there was such a controversy around them censoring him that they had no choice but to partially unban it. I also imagine anyone who is openly Religious/Spiritual in the scientific community will often be viewed in a less favorable light compared to their pure atheist colleges.

And how hostile some of these people can get my goodness. Not only do they just immediately throw out baseless insults or just start treating you with a dismissive disdain for anyone that that criticizes science, but a lot of the time they have no idea what they are talking about. More often then not, you will find many wannabe science nobs criticizing something considering it pseudo science because it doesn't click with their world view, only to find out they

A. Did no research about it before hand
B. Don't care to, some claiming that "They don't need to research something to criticize it"

I think the crazy thing here is that, these types LOVE to be on the attack, but once someone starts fighting back, they either back out or resort to baseless name calling.

And I got to ask, if your whole goal is to make society more secular, and get people to think more rationally, HOW THE DUCK IS THIS SUPPOSE TO DO IT?! All it's gonna do is make people resent you more and turn to their faith. This is spite, plain and simple. There is no positive intentions, there's no misunderstood approach. I don't care who or what you are, you are not this hostile towards ANYTHING unless you have some sort of grudge, or you're a sociopath one of the two.

Ignorance of the Scientific Mindset

I'm sure most people will have at least one person, that would regurgitate the scientific method as being the pinnacle of science and how we got all the things we have today, But most people from what i understand seem to completely ignore the scientific mindset, or rather most of it.

There are 4 parts of a scientific mindset. Curiosity, Open Mindedness, Skepticism, and Humility. Only one of these are present within much of modern day science, that being skepticism. With the other 3 being woefully ignored, instead being replaced with Indifference, Prejudice and Arrogance. This just will not do, as you will never progress or learn anything stuck in a box with your preconceived notions. If you truly called yourself a man/woman of science you would NEVER stoop to something like this.

But i think the worst part is well.

Scientific Hypocrisy and The melding into a religion.

I have always said that the biggest oversight that can happen is the treating of science as a religion. Of course everyone I talk to about it denies it.

But let's look at some of the similarities.

1.Lately Science is being viewed as an absolutist institution that can never be questioned.
2.You will get reprimanded and attacked violently for ever questioning it, in many ways worse then any religious person ever could.
3.They will often pick and choose certain scientific studies to support their view point while completely ignoring others.
4.And many of their claims about how things work are often little more then baseless conjecture at best, and long since disproved nonsense at worst, that generally doesn't hold water when you start asking critical questions.

Sounds real familiar doesn't it?

I just find it so ironic that despite claiming to hate religion and calling it the greatest disease on the planet, many who laud over science will treat it just like that, a religion. A religion of Fatalism, Determinism, Solipsism, Nihilism and Spite just to give religious and spiritual believers a middle finger. Pfft No wonder people call Richard Dawkins an Edgelord.

How to fix this Turd Storm

Ok now the first 2 kind of take care of themselves right?
Disproving the whole free will is an illusion thing is simple if you just use some common sense. Or you know have the slightest bit of integrity.
and the other one is a work in progress with the establishment of the AAPS or Academy for the Advancement of Post-materialist Sciences which you can check out here

Now the 3rd one a lot of it not only has to do with popular science, but also science melding with people's political biases. Science should be non-partisan giving findings regardless of whether they agree or not. Because it stops being science if you start withholding findings that you don't agree with. The big mistake here is thinking that scientists will always give you all the facts and details when its actually very common for scientists to not publish findings out of fear that they will not get funded anymore.

4th one In my opinion is simple, prioritize the scientific mindset over the scientific method. You don't have all the answers and you likely never will, but that doesn't mean you should close yourself off to any possibilities regardless of whether it's associated with religion or not. I think a good saying for this is "A true master, is an eternal student" Scientists should have this plastered on their labs or something.

And the final one, understanding that end of the day science is a tool and a method to find answers. A very useful one at both don't get me wrong and one that has gotten us very far, but end of the day thats all it is and how it should be treated. We should not treat science as an absolute end all be all to everything in the universe, we should not act as if we have figured everything else out and we have reached the pinnacle of human civilization.

We still don't know how exactly how the Egyptians made their pyramids the way they did, we don't know how the inca were able to make
Machu Picchu or how in 6th century BC India, a civilization MUCH less technologically advanced then ours were capable of making Damascus/Wootz steel. Steel that just so you know how special this metal was, contains carbon nanotubes.....Carbon Bloody do you even do that?!

The Point is, Modern day science, has the illness of presumptuousness and the only way to fix this is for people to realize that.....

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." Socrates

The Plight of True Science.
Post Opinion