A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

I'm not into politics, I never have been and never will be. It's just not something that I have interest in or think about. Which means, I don't know much or anything about the issues. I see headlines about things online and I hear them discuss certain ones on the news but that's just bits and pieces. I'm okay with not knowing about them at length.

Though, I don't know about all the issues. I do I have an opinion on how people handle their political beliefs. When a person is passionately invested in something (whatever it may be), sometimes they lose the ability to be objective. People have the tendency to be blinded with extreme emotion of certain things and in turn, all their logic and reasoning go out the window.

Since, I don't have a stake in anything political. I can be objective and see things from a observant and common sense stand point. I won't make this long or drawn out, I'll just get to the point. I'm going to be talking about what I noticed and my thoughts on that.

1. Politics Changes People

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

It's amazing to me how something like politics can completely change a person and have control over their life. It's like this big ball of fire that totally consumes them and everything around them. I know that on a personal level because my dad is one of those changed people.

Growing up, I can't remember a time where he talked about it or even watched the news. If he had any political thoughts back then, he wasn't vocal about them but the tide turned and Obama became president. Everything was down hill after that. He's totally obsessed and so angry about so many things going on. It really truly changed him. It's sad that it has such a negative effect on people and that it turns people against each other, if they don't see things the same way. It's all a very sad and kind tragic state of affairs. It's not healthy to be that enveloped by something as simple as political issues. It's kind of heart breaking.

I'll never understand how people can be so obsessed about things they have no control over. Which brings me to.............................

2. We Can't Control, What We Don't Control

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

Everybody is entitled to have an opinion or be upset by things that they view as wrong but, most of those things are not something we can control. All the political issues and things that involve the government, are not things we as ordinary people have control over. I know no one wants to hear or believe it but it's out of our hands. It's up to the people with the power and the ability to create change, to fix whatever is broken in the world. You don't have to like how they go about it or what they choose to focus on but it doesn't change the fact that it's out of your control.

All anyone can ever do is trust that the people who are suppose to have everybody's best interests at heart, actually have everyone's best interests at heart. You have to trust that they truly are doing what they think is right and best for everyone. As I said, you don't have to like it but it shouldn't bring about as much as hate as it does.

Which brings me to....................

3. People Are The Creators Of Hate

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

I've learned in life, just by being a victim of bullying that people try to justify the unjustifiable. They want to find a reasoning why it happened and then pair a reason to it that places the blame elsewhere and not on the person doing the wrong thing. It seems to be that's what is kind of happening now. See, hate has always existed and probably always will. Yet, everyone seems believe that all the hate and racism that is being stirred up, is only because of who are president is, if not for him then it wouldn't be happening.

However, that's simply not the case. Is there a possibility that intentionally or unintentionally, the president is stirring the pot and creating havoc? Yes, that's always possible. However, he is not responsible for the actions of other people. What people decide to do with the hatred in their heart, has nothing to do with who are president is. We are accountable for the things we do and the way we interact with people. If someone is racist and decides to beat someone with a baseball bat, sure you can blame the president if you want. That doesn't change the fact that this isn't Pinocchio and the president isn't Geppeto. He's not pulling strings to get people to do violence. If someone hurts someone else, that's on them not the person in the oval office.

Hate only exists because people exist and they create the hate everyone is so against. It doesn't matter who the president is now or will be in the future, the fact remains as long as people allow hate to consume them bad things will happen.

Which brings me to.............

4. Just Because You Talk The Loudest, Doesn't Mean You're Being Heard

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World

People spend so much time yelling, screaming, accusing and pointing fingers at everyone. Yet, no one stops to think how unproductive that is. I can't recall a time when doing any of those things ever worked for anyone, in any aspect of their lives. Talking loudly doesn't mean anybody is actually listening to you. You can't find a resolution to a problem, if no one takes the time to sit down and discuss it in a calm and mature matter.

There's all these issues in the political world that people want solved and are passionately for or against but, you can't get anywhere if you don't try to find resolve. If people really want things to be better, then they need to make a plan, deal with facts, sit and discuss it calmly and rationally then hopefully everyone can come to an understanding of how everyone else feels. Then and only then, will they be able to come up with a solution and hopefully a compromise that everyone can live with.

That's usually how things find resolve but that can't happen if people are over taken by their anger.

That as an observant non-political person, is how I see things. I know people will disagree and that's perfectly okay. All I ask is, if you do disagree with me don't be rude about it because I didn't write this to create a brew ha-ha or get yelled at by people I don't know. I wrote this because I wanted to share my thoughts but, that's it. Thanks, for reading.

A Non-Political Girl, Living In A Very Political World
14 Opinion