An Optimistic Way For People of the Future to Work and Contribute to Society in a Humane Way

So I came up with a fun little science fictiony solution to the problem that is work in modern society. There are many problems with modern work culture and how many people view it. But this isn't about that. This is about a (optimistic and at the moment unrealistic) solution to that.

So, in the future a person goes into a machine (lets just call it a "work machine") that transfers most of their brain power to robots that do their work while their conciousness just sleeps and has lots of nice (possibly lucid) dreams. The machine keeps their body alive, fed and rested so that they will feel good and well-rested once their work shift ends and they wake up.

For example, start work at 6.00 AM on Monday, get off work at 6.00 AM on Wednesday and voila, you now have 48 hours worth of salary and 5 days of free time before your next work shift.

With this system most people work 48 hours a week, which increases productivity and helps the economy. They also don't have to suffer through their job and they can spend it's entire duration dreaming regardless of how shitty their job is. This is good for the worker's mental and physical health. They'll also have 5 days of free time per week which they can spend whatever way the want. This will increase people's health (physical and mental) even further.

And since people will technically work more hours, they'll also get more vacation time. So in addition to your regular life you get 1-2 months of vacation time during which you don't have to work at all.

And no, not everyone would have to work like this. There would still be jobs that require the regular way of doing things (doctors, teachers, politicians, government officials, some sorts of customer service, engineers to maintain the whole system of "work machines" etc.) This would be for those that like their job enough to waste their time awake doing it.

There would also be basic socisl security for anyone who doesn't want to work. Enough for housing, food and whatever you need to have a nice and comfortable if a bit basic life. But I doubt many would need this since work would become so much less stressful and time wasting that even the so called "lazy" people could work.

Productivity and the economy goes up while people are healthier, happier and they have magnitudes of free time compared to the old times. Sounds good eh?

What do you think about my idea?

And please no "it's not possible hurrdurrr" bs, I know that this isn't realistic with the tech we currently have. It's just an idea I came up with that I thought was interesting and if we ever get to a point where this is possible, it could be an interesting thing to try for the sake of the people's well-being.

An Optimistic Way For People of the Future to Work and Contribute to Society in a Humane Way
An Optimistic Way For People of the Future to Work and Contribute to Society in a Humane Way
Post Opinion