So I’m a Feminist... Sue Me 😏


So I’m a Feminist... Sue Me 😏

Before you start breaking your thumbs to angrily type some essay about how much you hate feminism and women such as myself, let me at least get a fair chance to piss you off first!!!

Cmon, here me out 😃


Man or woman, everyone takes a shit and everyone’s shit is either red, brown, green, or a disgusting mixture of all those colors 😂

Back in the day, men did not care about equality.

And now today, women do not care about equality.

It is the circle of life. When you shit on people, you should expect shit to come back at you.

Modern men are paying for the mistakes of their great grandfathers.

Do modern men deserve it? No. But does karma care about your feelings? No.

Someone has to pay, someone haves to assume the unpaid debts.

YES, IT IS UNFAIR. But, that’s how life works.

Women today are either feminist or “feminazis”.

Femininazis have the stronger voice and the biggest platform. They are the simple Bi product of female rage that has been bubbling underneath the surface. The fucked up force of karma is using the feminiazi group to its dirty work.’s nothing but a phase. It will pass.

All storms fade out eventually.

By saying all this, I am acknowledging the lack of true equality. But let’s not forget, the MINORITY that be feminazis have made this happen as a result of the PAST patriarchy.

Most regular, everyday women walking down the street do not care for ruling the world with their vaginas. Not all feminist are feminazis. K?


Why is it that people love to spew biology in people’s faces when it comes to gender norms but always ignore the fact that EVOLUTION is a thing? People evolve, mentally and physically.

Not every person is going to be cut from the same cloth.

Not everything works for everyone.

One size does not fit all.

Why is that so difficult for people to understand?

If I want to push out babies and stay home, that’s my prerogative.

If I don’t want that at all....THATS MY PREROGATIVE.

Tradition can and will change somehow, someway. Harping about “oh women don’t value homemaking anymore” is not solving your problems. If women REALLY wanted to stick the traditional gender roles, they would.

And let’s not forget the boys...

Why would every man on earth want to be the sole breadwinner? That’s just retarded. I’m sorry but it is. Women should carry their own weight.

end of story. If you think it’s okay to force people in a box, then go ahead, keep believing in that. Just stop force feeding everyone else your shit.

It seems like the women and men who complain about everyone straying from traditional values are the ones who aren’t benefiting from the change. Like, you only make a fuss when your privileges are taken away, when you are no longer comfortable in your safe bubble and no one else gives a damn.

In summary, there’s NOTHING wrong with being a stay at home mom or a working 24/7 dad.

The only issue is when you are forcing others or bullying people to feel like shit when they don’t want to walk the same path as you. REAL feminism is about options. But people want to get upset when women don’t pick the one that the INDIVIDUAL is comfortable with. You either get on board or get left behind.

“Sexual Liberation”

Stop acting so shocked. Every generation has had a group of hoes doing their thing. It is NO different today. Wait no, I take that back. There is a difference...

Social media. The internet is both a comfort zone and a war zone. It is simply a place for people to hide or expose themselves.

People can either be as free or as fake as they want with a few clicks.

And that bothers you???

Promiscuity has ALWAYS been around. So you should not be surprised when you start seeing it with your own two eyes.

So many people would just love to ignore it but they can’t because they are aware of it everywhere they go. Yes, it makes you uncomfortable. But that doesn’t mean the new generation is all about sex and partying. The truth is your generation was all about that life too. But of course, none of you had you dirty laundry aired out for the world to see.

Grown adults will be grown adults whether it’s behind closed doors or not. So don’t get upset when women let loose. Men have always had the chance to be their free, sexual selves (with little consequence). Let the girls play too 😂

A hoe being a hoe is not the same thing as murder. Yes, promiscuity has it’s consequences but you can’t control what other people do with their own bodies. If you don’t like it, don’t. No one asked you to. Just stop acting so shocked and surprised that women are making these same, raunchy choices.

And it is not the end of the world. Their are still societies in the world that look down on the sexual liberation of women. Go find one!!!!

Seriosly, it’s not that hard 👀


I have heard so many guys say that women should not work or at least aim for higher corporate positions simply because it creates competition.


If you are afraid a woman will beat you at something you are good at, that only speaks on you as an individual. Don’t punish women for your insecurities. REAL Feminism is about a fair chance for all.

“Masculine Women”

1. ooh! This is kind of funny. People (not just men) tend to think Indepence = Masculinity

No. your math is wrong.


Why is that so hard to understand? Not every woman wants to play damsel in distress, even though that’s what turns you on...sometimes it turns other people off 👀

And people will so “oh you feminist just want to be men.”

That is not correct.

(Yes, there are “macho” acting women who naturally have male-like qualities when it comes to physique and attitude, but they are the minority.)

Someone pointed out on this site that society doesn’t expect much from women. That is 100% true! But that’s not exactly some kind of privilege MOST of us want. Why would we fight for education if we didn’t want it? Why would anybody, male or female, want to depend on someone else for every little thing?

Dudes want to get offended when women say they don’t need a man.

Why? It’s true. Don’t get salty about facts.

There is a difference between a want and a need.

Feeling needed by the opposite gender should not define your value or importance in life, so if you’re one of those people, get over it. Work on your low self esteem PLEASE.

If Someone like your significant other is saying, “I will still be able to function in life with or without you, but I still like the company you keep” somehow makes you feel like less of a man or a professional help, or just go the pound shelter.

You don’t want an adult partner, you want a child pet.


Stop putting an absurd title on being a decent human being. Why do feminist typically reject chivalry? Well, because it’s stupid.

Women hold the door for men all the time, but no one calls it chivalry because no one pays that much attention to it when it does happen. That is how it should be for both genders.

A lot of times, women with the ridiculous idea of chivalry grow up with dads who were just DOING THEIR JOB. Children like to feel special, especially when it comes to father daughter relationships. I have no idea why.

So there will be crazy ladies who expect you to open the car door, pay for every meal, and bend over backwards to protect them from dust. Men, wake up to the bullshit!!! You are nobody’s father, so stop treating your girlfriend like she’s 9.

But some couples have a mutual understanding of what they want out of each other so if “chivalry” works for a specific couple, then that’s okay.

Just don’t expect to give/receive this kind of treatment to/from everyone.

Ugh 😑

For a while, I was very confused on whether or not I should call myself a feminist. Because yes, the extremist have given us such a terrible reputation. But I’m crystal clear now.

I do not believe women are any better in men and vise versa. No one gender should rule the world. We are all very flawed and stupid. There are retarded women and there are retarded men. That’s it. That is what feminism is about.

Sure, men are generally better at physical activity. But there are some women, such as myself, who are very much capable of moving their own furniture ☺️

I dance and I bake/deliver extremely heavy cakes. Both activities are considered feminine but somehow they have allowed me to build up typical, masculine strength. And that’s okay. I’m not less of a woman because I choose not to ask every man I see to hold the door because it’s too heavy. And it definitely does not mean I hate guys. I don’t. Men should not have to put so much pressure on themselves to do the absolute most just to impress a woman, because these days it really doesn’t take much 😂

Ladies! Pay your half of the bill.

Dudes! Call the cops on her if she doesn’t.

most of these thoughts are totally unorganized, so I apologize if this whole thing is trash. I know I was going off on a lot of tangents.

thanks for reading, if you are pissed off, you are very welcome 😀

So I’m a Feminist... Sue Me 😏
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