Part 6: My sandbox stance, and to those who believe that this is just a New York Problem. ITS NOT! A lesson in service and sacrifice for Rand Paul: An up-close and personal look at what Ground Zero workers did in the recovery effort — and the cost it took

Everybody knows about Sept. 11.
Everybody knows how the buildings fell, how thousands were killed, how emergency responders ran in, and how those emergency responders died. You know that day, Rand. That’s the day you talk about never forgetting.
But you don’t really know about Sept. 12, Sept. 13, Sept. 14. You don’t understand the October, the November, the 2002, the beyond. You don’t know the cost we paid for all those days past 9/11.
I’m here to make sure you do.

Part 6: My sandbox stance, and to those who believe that this is just a New York Problem. ITS NOT!
Part 6: My sandbox stance, and to those who believe that this is just a New York Problem. ITS NOT!
Post Opinion