Rise Up as One for the Future of Humanity


In this lifetime, I have been constantly tested but hadn’t yet realized it until about the age of 22 (10 years ago), when I would fail most, if not all, of the lessons life had presented before me. Even after coming out of the darkness of a self-indulgent, heroin/meth-fueled life of escapism and into a sober life of self-awareness and living for others, I still find myself being tested.

But being aware that any resentments, regrets, feelings of self-doubt, or whatever, is a test in how I go about the issue, is a tremendous help in leading me to make the right choice, forgiving myself and others who’ve harmed me, and not holding onto any of the negative feelings a situation has created. Knowing that these tests are nothing but life lessons gives my life more meaning and purpose, which creates a genuine feeling of happiness within.

I’ve learned that living a hedonistic life has no real meaning or purpose. But living a life of mindfulness and living for others will give a purpose to your life and a long-lasting sense of gratification, as well as true happiness within.

Even if one doesn’t believe to be living a hedonistic life and doesn’t whatever they can to provide for their family, the moment they need to take social (now, global) responsibility, they tend to walk away. We make ourselves so busy now in our lives that we don’t or can’t look beyond our own problems. How can we see another human suffering with our heads down, sucked into our little world inside our phones?

What most people don’t realize is that there are tens of thousands of people who can’t afford to fend for their family and get the basic amenities of life. We need always remember that there are others who have far more serious issues than what we face in our life.

You don’t need to dedicate your entire life to helping others. It can just be as simple as handing out a few cents to a homeless person on the highway, or putting your shopping carts up in the proper places at the store. What a lot of people don’t realize is that most departments stores don’t have anyone to hire for that specific job of collecting carts. So they have to get someone from another section in the store to run out and grab carts while their section remains empty. So when you’re at the store and you can’t find anyone to help you find what you’re looking for, where do you think they are? They’re probably out grabbing stranded carts in the parking lot, just remember that.

Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it could change the world for that person. Realize there are others with far greater issues than your own. If everybody in the world helped out one person in their daily lives, this planet that has been infiltrated and taken from us will become ours again.

We are all in this together, but we live in a world ruled by the wealthiest of the wealth who are after breaking our human connection. They want a one world government that is under constant surveillance. Everything we do will be recorded and kept in databases. Privacy is becoming a thing of the past.

This all began eons ago, but it could clearly be seen within the last twenty years with the rise of the internet and its users. A Worldwide Web meant to connect each of us together has instead entrapped us with shiny gadgets in a web of deception—like the silky web catching and holding its victim before being drained by the insidious spider. And that’s exactly what’s happening to us with our energy.

They promote being connected to everyone and everything via artificial means, when in fact, we are already connected; to each other, to every living thing on our living, conscious Earth. But our innate connectedness is being suppressed with every text, tweet, ping, pong, dick pick that we send. Even this post, but I’m using it to get this message across. The elitists of the world count on its foundation to stay afloat, which is us. Take away the foundation, and they fall.

They want and keep us separated with an illusion of virtual connectedness. It’s all a lie.

Are we really on this earth to work back-to-back eight-hour shifts?

To have the productions of our blood and sweat taken?

To live paycheck-to-paycheck while balancing a line of credit?

To give forty years to a mortgaged existence?

To break our backs for the system when our financial enslavement to debt will remain regardless?

And to live strictly for the weekends?

Are we really on this earth to have our minds bombarded by the agenda of governments and big corporations?

To continually have our subconscious and our decision-making process influenced by engineered information?

To have our awareness placed within a box so we’ll remain as mere screws for the machine?

And to constantly want to escape from the daily dependence of pharmaceuticals?

Also, I'm sorry to ask—Without a million in the bank account or buried in the backyard, isn’t it cruel to birth a child?

I only ask this because, at times, it seems as if life is given unfairly. Kids are being born to suffer and struggle—all in the name of satisfying the system.

Born to parents without large amounts of cash, a child only grows to repeat the same cycle that enslaves most parents—if he/she is lucky enough to dodge death or illness from absurd amounts of carcinogens in juices and foods—to work until grey and weak?

To consume without need?

To be told what to do and think?

To sacrifice the spirit for material things?

To pay absurd, irrational prices?

And to be a slave to debt, or of being a part of the "United Slaves of America?"

The right to raise a child correctly has been stolen from us by our artificial and destitute eco-political conditions.

Is it possible to regroup and reinstate our rights as human beings?

Or are these truly the best gifts we can leave for the future of humanity—our children?

The right to raise a child correctly has been stolen from us by our artificial and destitute eco-political conditions.

Is it possible to regroup and reinstate our rights as human beings?

Or are these truly the best gifts we can leave for the future of humanity—our children?

The Industrial Revolution was like America taking a shot of meth, in terms of our social, economic, and technological development. That’s what I was taught in school at least. Maybe not verbatim, but it still wasn’t the whole story.

This revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering—to physical suffering in the Third World as well—and has inflicted severe, massive damage on the natural world.

The continued development of technology continues to worsen the situation. It subjects human beings to greater indignities and inflicts greater damage on the natural world, leads to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and also leads to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it may eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment, only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products—mere bolts in the social machine.

Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system in order to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.

If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later.

I, along with many others, advocate a revolution against the industrial system. The use of violence usually becomes prevalent during times of revolt but that does not make it mandatory. The process may be sudden or it may be relatively gradual, spanning a few decades. Nobody can predict that so it should not be a distraction on our minds. However, we have outlined the measures that those who despise the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society—it’s confidential, though.

This is not to be a political revolution. Its object will not be to overthrow governments but to overthrow the economic and technological basis of the present society.

We are a country born of revolution; standing up against a tyrannical empire. But due to the distractions and propaganda from technology and the media, our country had insidiously been infiltrated and made into the totalitarian state that we once fought against.

Throw away your TV sets, smash your phones, take your kids out of their brain-washing institutions and teach them the truth. Let them think for themselves, for they are the future.

Rise Up as One for the Future of Humanity
Rise Up as One for the Future of Humanity
2 Opinion