“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

Having a well paying job is something we all want and need to live comfortable lives. But certain jobs while offering good pay can cause you to lose friends and even be ostracized by society due to the confrontational and intrusive nature of these jobs. Usually you’ll hear the following excuses from bad people within these professions “I am just doing my job” “I’m just following orders”.

Didclaimer: This doesn’t mean that everyone who works in these professions is incompetent, rude, abusive, overly aggressive, corrupt etc. Even though many people may despise people who have these jobs as a whole, only certain individuals within these jobs may fit such criteria, this is meant to inform not to vilify any of these jobs as a whole. Like in many things, there’s good and bad.

1.) TSA: Individuals in this profession often receive flak by the populace for their tendency to be unprofessional, rude and incompetent. There have been numerous incidents between TSA officers and passengers. It doesn’t help TSA’s reputation that around 18,000 TSA employees created a Facebook page to rant about passengers This is why TSA has a bad reputation.

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

2.) Psych Ward staff(orderlies, security, psychiatrists): Psych Ward staff are highly despised due to their reputation of being abusive, rude and intrusive towards the patients in their care. There have been numerous incidents between psych Ward staff and patients as a result of the unprofessional and incompetence exhibited by the psych ward staff.

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

3.) Bouncers: These goons are why I never go to night clubs. Bouncers have the worst reputation on this list due to their tendency to be rude, abusive, arrogant and incompetent. Bouncers have been associated with bullying and goon like behavior. As a bouncer you are expected to keep the peace not instigate trouble. There have been numerous incidents of groups of Bouncers causing serious injury to patrons. And likewise there have been many cases where the patrons had to act in self defense against the bouncers. On one occasion a patron’s younger brother was being beaten down by a group of burly bouncers and so the patron had to use lethal force to defend himself and his younger brother from the group of bouncers. You can read about the incident here

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

4.) Prison guards: Prison guards are notorious for being susceptible to corruption, incompetence and rude behavior. But most criticism is directed at their tendency to use excessive force on inmates especially when the inmates are mentally ill.

Incident involving Mentally ill inmate
Incident involving Mentally ill inmate

5.) The IRS: The IRS are highly despised by many people who feel that the IRS lacks any form of empathy when it comes to financial matters

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

6.) Judges: It shouldn’t be surprising that judges are highly despised by many people. Judges are known for having tremendous amounts of power such as protection from lawsuits and are treated as if they are above the average citizen since they must be referred to as “your honor”. Aside from that, individual judges have poor reputations because of the court decisions they make whether it be sentencing an innocent person, showing bias and overall abusing their power. Not to mention the infamous “contempt of law” that basically limits a person’s first amendment in court.

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

7.) prosecutors: A prosecutor is always determined to get a defendant a guilty sentencing even if the defendant is innocent of any crime. In the prosecutor’s mind the accused is always guilty as charged. It shouldn’t be surprising that prosecutors are highly despised by many people especially innocent people who’ve fallen victim to being wrongly punished.

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

8.) Debt collectors: Ah yes, a type of job that is often compared to the gestapo or stasi. Despite the job being nothing more than pretty much collecting debt, their reputation is that of a bunch of hired goons for obvious reasons.

“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.

9.) Interrogators(Job task): Note that an “interrogator” isn’t it’s own job in the US, it’s a task that only certain law enforcement officials(specifically criminal investigators) can take part in after receiving special training. Interrogators have a very poor reputation due to how they are portrayed in the media, because of their “guilty until proven innocent” stance and because of their potential usage of trickery to acquire false confessions.

A controversial interrogation scene from “When they see us” that resulted in Netflix getting sued.
A controversial interrogation scene from “When they see us” that resulted in Netflix getting sued.

These are jobs that have a poor reputation whether it be deserved or undeserved is a matter of perspective.











“I’m just doing my job”: A list of authoritarian jobs that have a poor reputation.
Post Opinion