Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority


As you all know I frequently criticize proto totalitarianism. The moment any type of authoritarian figure tries to restrict certain aspects of a person’s liberties, is the moment you know said authority is tyrannical and cannot be trusted. Just cause you find something “offensive” or you think something is against your personal values is no excuse for you to infringe upon other people rights and liberties. Here are things that should never be restricted or controlled by any authority.

Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority

1.) Freedom of entertainment and arts: People highly value entertainment, it’s what where we all go to when we have free time. Whether it be listening to music, drawing, painting, crafting, watching motion pictures(movies, tv shows), watching plays, playing video games etc. We all have different tastes in what we like and don’t like. Trying to censor Entertainment and art you personally don’t like is infringing on a person’s right to freedom of expression. We always hear politicians trying to ban “violent video games” because they assume it’s associated with crime but such an argument had many holes in it. Also in recent years we’ve also noticed video hosting sites removing “offensive” songs, which is digital censorship. Political censorship of entertainment and arts is a proto totalitarian tactic aimed at indoctrination.

what video games I choose to play is only of my concern. You don’t like what video games I play then too bad
what video games I choose to play is only of my concern. You don’t like what video games I play then too bad

2.) Freedom to wear what you want: We all have different tastes in clothing, some prefer casual, others prefer more fancy clothing and so on. Trying to restrict what a person can wear is infringing on a person’s right to freedom of expression. What a person chooses to wear does not affect you in any way. If I want to wear a pair of black tapered twill pants more power to me, if I want to wear a nice sports coa, more power to me and so on. Restricting a person’s wardrobe to fit your “ideals” is totalitarian in nature and infringes on a person’s freedom of expression.

Yes I dress to impress and I have every right and liberty to do so.
Yes I dress to impress and I have every right and liberty to do so.

3.) Freedom of diet: What a person chooses to eat is none of your business. If I choose to eat New York steaks, I don’t need any vegan or vegetarian zealots trying to eliminate meat from my diet. You want people to stop eating meat then the burden falls upon you anti carnivore folks to find a way to make lab grown meat that is safe to eat and is an exact copy of the meat you find at the supermarket. The impossible whopper is a start but you’ll have to do better than that.

I eat and drink what I want whenever I’m hungry
I eat and drink what I want whenever I’m hungry

4.) Freedom of fitness and athletics: In recent years there has been a growing trend of fit shaming as a result of the so called “body acceptance” movement. A person has every right to take care of their body and that includes physical fitness. It’s nobodies business to regulate a the way a person chooses to exercise. You have issues with people wanting to improve their physical attributes then don’t work out, be a couch potato all you want but remember that you hold no authority over a person who chooses to exercise. Likewise a person had the right to participate in any kind of sport he or she wants, it’s nobodies business what kind of sport a person chooses to compete in. If a person wants to compete in the absolute division of Brazilian jiu-jitsu then there should be no barriers preventing them from doing so.

I work out how I want, whenever I want to work out and nobody can dictate it.
I work out how I want, whenever I want to work out and nobody can dictate it.

5.) Freedom from medical malpractice: Medical malpractice is a very broad concept that affects many people in many ways. From incompetent, partisan and crooked psychiatrists misdiagnosing you, to medical procedures like 5150 holds wrongly used against a person. The list of medical malpractice goes on and on. Unfortunately most people put too much faith in a system and assume that just because a group of people call themselves “professionals” that they are always right. But in reality that’s not the case.

Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority

6.) Freedom of marriage: A person should have the right to marry whoever they want to marry as long as both individuals are consenting adults and are not related. The people shall have the right to have kind of marriage, marry whenever and whenever they want. We currently have extremists who seem to have forgotten that freedom of marriage goes both ways, just cause you have the right to marry the same sex does not give you the right try and regulate straight marriage. A person should never be forced to marry someone they don’t want to marry and shouldn’t be prohibitive from marrying two people from marrying each other.

flag of heterosexuality
flag of heterosexuality

7.) Sexual freedom: As long as the sexual activity is between consenting non related adults and no maiming is happening in the process, it’s nobody’s business who a person chooses to engage in sexual activities with or what weird kinks the person is into. A person also has the right to refuse to take part in any sexual activity with anyone. If a person is straight, you can’t force that person to engage in sexual activity with the same sex. Currently straight men are being attacked by the proto totalitarian group think of the radicals within the social liberal movement. Sexual freedom goes both ways and so there must be mutual respect between straight people and lgbt people.

I am a straight man and I have a kink for women’s navels and there’s nothing wrong with that
I am a straight man and I have a kink for women’s navels and there’s nothing wrong with that

8.) Freedom of movement: People should not be restricted from traveling to different cities, states or even countries unless it’s to protect a person from a danger(war, disease or chaos of any kind). Many totalitarian regimes prevent people from leaving their countries in an effort to keep the citizens indoctrinated or revealing the truth.

Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority

9.)Freedom of thought and speech: Thought crime is one of the worst kinds of totalitarian censorship because people can be arrested for even the most trivial suspicion. It prohibits many kinds of freedoms such as free speech and expression, which eventually leads to group think. Now of course it’s not acceptable to yell “fire!” in a movie theater but simply expressing unpopular views shouldn’t be a crime because “die gedanken sind frei”(thoughts are free) for now at least.

10.) Freedom of personal defense: A person shall always be allowed to defend themselves and their loved ones from any unprovoked physical aggression from violent criminals(burglars, home invaders, muggers etc) And as such, a citizen should be allowed to legally purchase self defense equipment and practice martial arts.

A person has the right to protect themselves and their family from any danger.
A person has the right to protect themselves and their family from any danger.

11.) Protection from cruel punishments: There’s a reason why we have the 8th amendment here in the US, it’s too keep authoritarian figures from enforcing cruel punishments on people suspected of breaking the law. Totalitarian regimes don’t have such a law, which is why many prisoners in those countries are subject to torture. Torture is an unacceptable practice that has no place in the civilized world. It can also be argued that the death penalty is a violation of the 8th amendment, which is there are many efforts being made to abolish the death penalty in every state here in the US.

We are civilized not barbaric
We are civilized not barbaric

12.) Freedom from fear and persecution: Citizens should never fear abuse from any authority and people should not be afraid to openly express their political views. It’s one thing to criticize controversial speech but resorting to harassment, intimidation or any attempt to censor a person is proto totalitarian and immoral. If you disagree with someone, then debate the person, don’t try to intimidate them into silence. Furthermore citizens should never have to sleep with one eye open each night, which is why there must always be reasonably large and competent police forces to keep cities as safe as possible.

Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority

13.) Freedom of religion: What a person chooses to believe in is nobody’s business, it doesn’t concern anyone except the person who practices said religion. So long as person isn’t using their religion to infringe on others rights, no authority has any right to intrude on said religion.

Who or what I choose to worship is no one of your concern
Who or what I choose to worship is no one of your concern

14.) Freedom of individuality: A person should never be forced to conform to any groupthink or trend. As long as a person intruding on someone else’s rights and liberties, each person should never be prevented from being themselves.

The group think
The group think

16.) Protection of cultural and historic significance: For some unknown reason, radical left wing groups have a problem with history. There’s always cases of said group going around vandalizing and damaging historic monuments and trying to destroy tradition. This is proto totalitarian and echoes the mao regime which destroyed so many items of Chinese cultural and historic significance. Trying to erase history is a regressive action that can lead people to repeat errors of the past as a result of those lessons being purged. Which is why cultural and historic aspects must be preserved.

“Herr Heiler” and Adolf Hitler side by side
“Herr Heiler” and Adolf Hitler side by side

17.) Protection from right and liberty infringement: And last but not least, no authority shall ever intrude on a person’s rights or liberties. When a authority tries to modify a right or liberty to decrease it’s power, that is infringement of a person’s rights and liberties. The only modifications should additions that offer more protection the citizens.

Secret police are a no no in a free society
Secret police are a no no in a free society

Conclusion: I write this because as an American I still have the right to free speech via the first amendment. We currently have many proto totalitarian group think movements who try to infringe on people’s liberties and rights. As we are currently dealing with what seems to be a Biblical tribulation phase, we can only hope and pray that things don’t escalate to the point of anarchy and subsequent totalitarianism.

good advice
good advice
Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority
17 Opinion