My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.


This might be a very sensitive topic to some but I seriously don't care about how you might think, receive it or feel about it nor about me.

Immigration has been a very hot topic at least here in the U.S.A. before the Coronavirus took the headlines by storm.

I personally never really cared about politics, but all that changed when my beloved and patriot mom constantly harassed me almost daily about what was happening in our native Dominican Republic with its massive immigration especially the illegals aliens from mostly the neighboring country of Haiti which we have a very ugly history with them to begin with.

I got curious and finally decided to look into what my mom was saying and I couldn't believe it.

The country has a severe influx of migrants in particular the illegals ones literally all over the national territory.

I have seen videos of my Dominican patriot sisters on YouTube crying for what's happening over there.

Anger, fear, anxiety, and deep shame seem to be my constant mood, since I couldn't believe our own government will do such a thing, yet they did in betraying the country and it's people.

Since that ugly awakening I have been extremely against migration at least in heavy numbers especially illegal migration to any country!

Moreover, I found out this massive immigration problem isn't exclusive to the Dominican Republic but its also affecting a lot of other countries too especially Europe.

In this MyTake I desire to express my personal stance on migration and its devastating effects if gone unchecked.

We Aren't Animals.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

We humans unlike animals have the ability to reason, to think rationally and behave with decency and order.

Laws are put into place to give us a sense of guidance, order and discipline on how we ought to behave in a society for the benefit and well-being of ourselves in our peers.

If laws are disregarded and ignored then we become uncivilized and are no less than the wild beasts of the lawless jungle where literally anything goes.

Please, understand immigration laws and the legal process must be strictly enforced; no country just can allow people when they don't know who they are, what's their occupation, why are they in the country to begin with, what's their name, what's their age, diseases they might be carrying, what criminal background record they might have etc.

Its severely irresponsible, stupid and extremely dangerous to expose your country and its citizens to foreigners who are undocumented and you don't know who they are and their intentions for being in your country in mass numbers. Its common sense, people. Use your brain.

Consuming The Resources.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

Each country has its limited resources and budget to handle annually accordingly for its citizens.

Migrants in particular illegal aliens in masses are typically poor with low education or no formal education at all, tend to have overall bad health and will work for very low wages compared to a native who will demand fair payment for the job being required; hence the natives are often times left without work because the migrants will basically work for peanuts for the employer.

Moreover, migrants in masses occupied more public spaces, compete against natives in private business, consume health care attention and hospitals where natives sometimes can't find a chair to seat on or bed to receive treatment because its occupied by foreigners. (This is literally happening in the Dominican Republic).

Public library resources are also consumed such as books, computer time and the education system and school class is over flooded with foreign students taking up desks, books and attention away from native students with their teachers because often times they don't speak the native language or aren't just as intelligent in understanding a topic or task compared to the natives.

We Demand Our Rights?

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

Listen, its not the responsibility of a foreign country to make you happy, healthy, grant you native privileges and rights, pave an opportunity for you to reach your goals and career dreams etc.

Migrants often like to get aggressive and protest and demand rights in foreign territory, go harass and put pressure to your native country's president, senators and representatives to fix your hell hole of a country, to built a better health care system, education system, human resources and safer roads and reduce crimes etc.

If you're an illegal alien in foreign land, the only right you have is to be arrested and deported ASAP to your native country with a courtesy bottle of water and small bag of peanuts on your ride back home.

The Damn Racists Rhetoric.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

A couple months ago I was watching the Democratic debate and one of the candidates (don't remember who it was) basically was saying deporting illegals was racists.

Now, how can a presidential candidate of a supposed 1st class country be such a moron who don't know the real definition of a racist nor cares about enforcing federal laws?

The racist rhetoric has been heavily beaten into the ear drums of the masses through politicans and media to make them feel scared to speak their minds lest they be accused of being labeled a racist, bigot or xenophobic.

I refuse to be manipulated, guilt trip and bullied into a corner for trying to stand up and speak against massive immigration which is actually an invasion of my country.

If I'm labeled a racist for the sake of defending my country's honor from massive illegal aliens then I'll be the racist poster child with great pride. Count me in!

A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Happen.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

We as people as naturally are homogeneous, we tend to like to be around with people that look like us, speak our language, share a common culture, and share a common ethnicity and history because it has a special power to binds us together.

Massive immigration (except maybe the U.S.A. since it's only country in the world that is unique to being a huge melting pot and country of immigrants from literally every part of the world)

will eventually causes fear, suspicions, anger and tensions between foreigners and natives, because the natives will begin to sense they are losing their country, their honor, culture and traditions being replaced by foreigners who often times don't want nor like to assimilate to another's country customs and culture but rather keep their own culture and attitudes from their native land.

Such cases can brew into an ugly civil war between foreigners and natives if the status quo continues.

Diversity And Enrichment Actually Means Your Destruction.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

The propaganda pushed by wicked, lying and deceptive politicans that inviting immigrants from countries who are very poorly developed and where the immense majority of their citizens live in mud huts, don't have up to date 21th century proper sanitation, no education, have unsettling mental and emotional disturbance problems, ill mannered mannerism, often violent is somehow going to enrich your country is a lie from the pits of hell.

Diversity does everything but enrich a country, on the contrary it just causes strife, unwanted financial baggage, debt, political unrest among all sorts of problems when you have a massive group of people that come from a country with a total different political landscape and religion than yours, customs and culture.


My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.

Listen, you seriously need to get involved in your country's politics and who you are putting in charge to have political power to govern your country because if you put a non patriot moron to govern you and your country the effects can be seriously dire for you and your children's future.

My Stance On Radical Immigration And Its Destructive Nature.
Post Opinion