Why is having pride in something that isn't "White" seen as a bad thing to the GaG faithful?

Why is having pride in something that isnt White seen as a bad thing to the GaG faithful?

So let's just start taking this apart.

First Statement;

Now, I DO NOT identify with my race or ethnicity at all. I think of myself as an individual, not someone who should agree with the issues of my race, the dislikes/likes of my race, etc."

1. How does a person identify with their race? Race is supposedly about the genetics of phenotype. Those genetics do not influence what you think. It is a nonsensical comment.

2. But Culture does influence how you think. Culture is not race. Culture is how you were raised. It is the group identity assigned to you. As in Filipino. If you don't like the culture you were raised in, then find another culture. But stop pretending that you are some exceptional member of your group. You are not smarter, more free, more individualistic or better than anyone who embraces their Filipino culture/heritage.

3. And what does it mean to agree on issues of one's race? Is it pro-Filipino to support President Duterte? Or less? Is it pro or anti Filipino to support his order to shoot anyone disobeying his lockdown order? Maybe the entire concept is nonsense? Maybe a Filipino citizen is as free to make up his mind as any "White" person? Just a thought.

I don’t care about Asian lives anymore than any other race’s life.

Another weird statement. If Asians have fought among themselves for thousands of years, what does this statement even mean? China is at this very moment intimidating other Asian countries in the South China Sea. Does this show their support for Asian lives? If Duterte is ordering that Filipino citizens be shot if they defy his orders, does that show his support for Asian lives? If Asians are one race, why don't they all get along and support each other? Oh wait. . .they don't. Such a statement can only be valid in the context of a multicultural society. To talk about Asian lives matter in Vietnam is insane.

This may sound weird, but for most of my life, I’ve never really “acted” or seen myself as Asian. I’ve just seen myself as a person that spoke a certain way, looked a certain way, etc. The labels are just odd to me in this scenario because I’m sure there’s viewpoints, interests, and disinterests that I have that are parallel to Asians, but there’s also viewpoints, interests, and disinterests that I have that are dissimilar to Asians.

What does it mean to act like other Asians? Asians have one universal group behavior/belief system? It sounds terribly insulting. I have met Asians who were into football. Some who were into Hip-Hop. Some were trying to become comedians. How is it the largest mythical racial group on the planet lacks diversity? There is no collective blueprint for how Asians act or what they believe.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being Asian, I just think there’s something wrong with identifying with one’s race and/or ethnicity as your primary or sole identification to the point where you act like a sheep for your race, foregoing your individuality in the process.

This is where things really get weird. Now he says there isn't anything wrong with being Asian after claiming that acting Asian is different than acting like an individual. The fact is, every single Asian acts like an individual. Because they are individuals. The entire argument is set up on a false assumption. That Asians even identify with their race. There is simply no evidence Asians do this except in a societies that embrace the nonsense of race. In the UK, the word Asian does not even mean East Asians. It almost exclusively used to describe those of Indian/Pakistani, etc. background. They are considered to be one "race". In the U.S. the word Asian excludes Indians and Pakistanis. It is commonly used to refer to East Asians. They are considered to be one "race". That's the nonsense of race. The same term can be used to describe an entirely different group of people depending upon the society you are in. Sufficed to say in the Phillippines, there is no such thing as Asian racial unity. Because there is no concept of race. Race was born as a Euro-American standard to describe this group called "White" people. Every place else it is simple nonsense.

TRIBALISM is a huge problem for humans.

An US versus THEM mentality.

Tribalism does not happen on racial standards, except where the concept of race is present. In Asia, the us/them mentality can be Chinese vs Japanese. It can be North Korean vs South Korea. In Africa, it can be Yoruba vs the Dogon. Or Ethiopians versus Eriterians. In Europe it can be Ukrainians vs Russians. Or the British vs the Germans.

Race was invented in America.

And if you want to get rid of tribalism here, then get rid of the concept of race and embrace multiculturalism.

Groups are fine, it’s the identification as one’s sole or primary identity that’s the problem, where it takes away individual identity and thinking and places the group’s beliefs at the forefront.

The fact of the matter is, the only people this poster seems to think act as individuals are "White" people. If everyone isn't an individual no one is. He is no arbiter of who is an individual and who is not. Most people are not going to put aside their group identity to make him feel comfortable.

Why is having pride in something that isnt White seen as a bad thing to the GaG faithful?
Why is having pride in something that isn't "White" seen as a bad thing to the GaG faithful?
Post Opinion