Stop kidding yourself, you aren't a social justice warrior!

Do the liberal elites really care about social injustice when there is actually something to lose, or is it all just moral grandstanding? Our public figures are the clergy; they are an elite group that has contempt for us lowly peons that live in a different reality, but every now and again they deign to tell us how we can live our lives in a way that is more consistent with their notions of morality - how graceful of them! This clergy consists of politicians, professional athletes, famous actors, famous musicians, big business leaders, and other leaders of our cultural and political institutions. When these institutions are controlled by leftists, the clergy likes to clamor about domestic social injustices that occur at such a nominal level, that if they even existed in any capacity, they would be negligible. They do this with joy, and the repercussions of doing this is public adulation and pats on the back from their other friends in the clergy. Look at LeBron James, or Joe Biden. Both of them receive such positive feedback from the leftist media and the leftist public whom the media control the thoughts of - what brave heroes the leftist elites are!

But then when push comes to shove, and the clergy has something to lose from calling out social injustices that actually matter, our dear leaders keep silent. Will LeBron James condemn the way China encroaches on the autonomy of Hong Kong, or the rights of its citizens? No, he won't condemn real injustice when he is asked to. Will Joe Biden condemn China for committing a genocide against the Uighur Muslims? Haha! No sir, he will not condemn real social injustice either; after all, if the economy took a hit due to poor America-China relations, he'd lose voters! See how that works? The actors, the athletes, the big business owners, they all benefit from Chinese money; they won't condemn real social injustice when it comes at a personal cost. And what about our politicians? When they have power they won't condemn China either, because again, they know that if the economy takes a hit from poor relations with China, they may lose power. I repeat, the elites will not condemn China or any actor's social injustice transgressions when it comes at a personal cost to themselves.

But if our great, virtuous, leftist leadership won't condemn China, then who will? Who in this elite ruling class will stand up to REAL bigotry, that indisputably occurs in other parts of the world, as opposed to continuing with the same meaningless pandering about imagined social injustices that the current elites do to placate the common folk who they have brainwashed thinking these aforementioned "injustices" exist in the first place? Oh, that's right, ironically, it was the greatest bigot since Hitler himself who stepped up to the plate: former president Donald Trump. Donald Trump had both business and political ties to China, and even he, one of the most immoral people I have ever witnessed in my life, had the modicum of integrity required to condemn the blatant and severe social injustice malfeasance transpiring in that country. Our media and the leftist elites all told us he was the ultimate bigot for not supporting black lives matter, and only condemning the KKK 10 times instead of every time he went out into public, but when push came to shove, these wussies stayed silent and humped China's leg like a bunch of pathetic sycophants. Yes, it was Donald Trump of all people, who stood up to them even though he had something to lose from it both politically and business-wise.

But anyways, what can we, the lowly commoners take away from this? I think there are two lessons here: 1) you don't really care about social injustice that comes at a personal cost, so stop virtue signaling, and; 2) the elites you look up to don't either. We are all at the mercy of the almighty dollar; it isn't just the elites. No one has enough integrity to actually end modern day slavery, or condemn modern day human rights transgressors, because we want our iPhone's to cost 30$ less. So shut up you pathetic, blustering, brainwashed leftists. None of us care about the real issues. Just drink your Starbucks latte made from coffee beans a slave in Brazil harvested for you, and scroll on your iPhone made from your slaves in the cobalt mines of Africa, and just shut up about social injustice. You don't care, and as long as you benefit from injustices, you never will.

Do you want to prove me wrong? Go ahead and break that iPhone of yours. Throw out your Nike's and quit drinking Coca Cola and Starbucks as well. In other words, stop subsidizing the social injustice on a large scale, that you claim to be so vehemently opposed to when it happens on a small scale. If you care about the distant effects of European slavery from hundreds of years ago like you claim to, you should care even more about abolishing the modern day slavery that your society currently benefits from. Seriously ask yourselves: do you really care about the social injustices you attack so vociferously? I'll answer that question for you: no you don't, and neither do the elites you look up to.

Stop kidding yourself, you arent a social justice warrior!
Stop kidding yourself, you aren't a social justice warrior!
Post Opinion