How Men and Boys Should Be Treated

Just a short MyTake for those people who think they know how men should be treated. I've been seeing a lot of them lately so it's time I make this MyTake.

How Men and Boys Should Be Treated

Almost all of you are pretty much aware about men's suicide rate being 3-4 times higher than women's right? A common speculation people have is "because they don't show feelings and society shames them for doing it" That's partly true. But there's more to that. Men lacks the appreciation while being pressured to strive. Despite all their hard work and no appreciation, if they show feelings just once, it's all shame. That's once cause and what lots of guys had been through growing up. Telling men to man up isn't exactly wrong but doing it wrong makes it wrong like how society usually do it and manning up became like a stigma for some people that they believe that's always the way people tell men to man up so that's why they think it's all toxic. But you know on contrary, another cause of men's suicide is also caused by some people who say they should open up and it's ok not to man up. It just makes men feel even more useless and that's basically telling them that they're defeated and there's nothing they can do. When a man fails at something, there's a difference between telling him "There there, it's ok to cry" and to give them any suggestions on what should work, give constructive criticism and encourage him "You can do it! You almost did it the last time!". Showing support is different from letting them open up and vent which would bring them lower like what happened to many soy boys today. Teaching men to find solution instead of being letting them emotional and appreciating them is suppose to be how you treat men. Even the his smallest achievement appreciated can encourage him to do more. That's how men should be told to man up.

How Men and Boys Should Be Treated
Post Opinion