Sex Follows the Leader


Why do good girls like bad boys?

The reason boils down to sex and passion. Bad boys (also, commonly known for their social hierarchy as 'Alpha Male' or Asshole) are born with the leadership pack traits. As a leader, they are the one who calls the shots and when you lead, you don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks because he is the head honcho.

Why do nice guys like bad girls?

The reason, again, boils down to sex. Being a nice guy, (also, commonly known by their social hierarchy as 'Beta') are born with following tendencies in the pack. As a follower, the nice guy is the one who has to check in with the Alpha Male.

(Think Mr. Burns and Smithers).

Sex Follows the Leader

Alpha Male vs. Beta Male

The Beta Male is the Alpha Male's right hand man, and just follows whatever the Alpha Male does. Therefore, when the Alpha Male approaches a woman and tells her he wants to have sex with her, the female has two options.

1. Say no.

2. Say yes.

If she says 'No.' Worst case scenario is that you get rejected. You can always ask again.
If she says 'Yes.' Then you've bed your girl for the night.

Social Hierarchy

Each social clique has their social hierarchy.

Jordan (Alpha) and Pippen (Beta)

Sex Follows the Leader

The Beta (Pippin) would have a hard time winning any championships without his leader (Jordan).

Batman and Robin

Sex Follows the Leader

Last time I checked, wasn't it Batman, (Alpha) who bedded Nicole Kidman's character in the movie?

Sex Follows the Leader

Where was Robin? Off being the nice guy, or probably following the orders of what Batman said.

The Lone Wolf & Sidekick

There are times when Betas can develop Alpha qualities, but this is only possible when he separates from the pack and becomes the lone wolf. When you have developed Beta and Alpha qualities this is called a Gamma. Gammas have to find their own way because maybe they were sick of being the side kick. For example...

Kobe Bryant & Shaq

Sex Follows the Leader

The Family Dynamic

The reason that Alpha males are Alpha males is because he is the best looking, the strongest, perhaps high in intellect, and most dominant. These are innate qualities that are naturally born into our DNA and then nurtured by the social positioning of our sibling birth order. The family dynamic has a significant impact in our personalities from the very beginning. We are trained by our siblings, parents and social surroundings to what our personalities are like.

Big Brother & Little Brother.

Sex Follows the Leader

The big brother is given responsibility by their parents to 'Look after your brother' and lead (Alpha) by example from the very beginning. The little brother's role is to follow (Beta) the big brother's example. This happens not only in males, but in females, too. The reversed roles are no different. These social dynamics are no different and translate into our relationships out in the world. We are trained in our brains from the very start of what our personalities are like.

"It's better to be a slave on Earth than a king in Hades." -Archillies, Elizabeth Cook (2002)

Find Your Place

If you're not happy with your placement in the system, then by all means, defect and find a new one that is more suitable for you. Immigrants do it all the time. A Mexican is unhappy with his corrupt country's government so he defects into the United States looking for a better life. He may had been a doctor in his country, but in the USA, he is just a cab driver. But you know what they say? It's better to the at the bottom of where you want to be than at the top of where you don't.

So, why do good girls like bad boys?

Because bad boys will have sex with the good girl. In fact, he would probably tear off her shirt and blouse into shreds. Human beings are usually drawn by sex. Nice guys can get sex either by paying for it or waiting until their leader, the Alpha, is done with his sexual conquest and then gets the scraps. Alphas lead and pursue without asking. Betas seek permission from the leader.

Sex Follows the Leader

Alpha Females vs. Beta Females

Nice girls (Beta) are well-behaved girls. But bad girls (Alpha) do not give a fuck. They will honestly fuck their way to the top. Who is going to tell the Alpha otherwise since she's the leader? She'll say 'If you don't like it then GET THE FUCK OUT!' And since she is in control of the clique, what can the follower really say?

But, do you know what? It is written in the Scripture: "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-- he remains faithful forever." Psalms 146:3-6

Human Cliques

What this means to me is that do not put your trust in human cliques, but rather put your trust in God. You can post your problems on this live feed, but are these responders really going to be able to save your marriage for you? If you tell your mom, is she going to be able to zap your husband into the way you want? But when you trust in God, God can do things that humans cannot. Even when you're not fully aware, God speaks to us. God speaks to us by bringing people into our lives, in inspirations and urges. Perhaps your mom could have called your husband and cussed him out. But God can use other human beings whom you may not even know and speak to your husband when you're not even there. Maybe he's watching TV, and he sees a commercial on that talks about how 'Cheating is killing your wife.' Then, he feels guilty and repents.

Trust God

What I am trying to say is that ultimately, regardless of these little social cliques, that God is the Creator of all of this. The Earth and the Heavens are his, and all underneath the clouds on Earth are his, too. He just lets us borrow or lead for now, but one day when we die, our plans will cease, but the Will of God will continue long after we are gone.

Advice for Leaders

If you're a leader. Great. Keep being a good role model. And know, that even if you think you're the boss, that God is still the boss of you.

Advice for Followers

If you're a follower, great. Follow Jesus. Isn't it written in the Scripture that the Lord is the Alpha AND the Omega? Then why follow a human being whom can fail you when you can follow God whom WILL save you?

Sex Follows the Leader
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