Why Treating her Good isn't Enough


Why Treating her Good isn't Enough

So, you hear your female friends complaining about all the jerks they encounter and how all they want is a nice guy who treats them right. And you're frustrated because YOU'RE a nice guy who would treat them right. What more could they possibly ask for? What's more important than benevolence, and a general lack of assholeishness?

Do you honestly believe that all it takes for a girl to fall in love with you is the fact that you're not a bad person? I mean, would you fall in love with a girl, think about her nonstop, and get butterflies in her presence because she's never been a complete jackass to you? I think not.

If you write up a list of qualities you want in a girlfriend, is "nice" the ONLY one? No. So why do you think being nice should be your ticket to every girls heart and panties?

If you're a genuinely nice guy, and that girl you like doesn't like you back, it isn't because girls hate nice guys and want to be abused. Its because you don't have what she wants. Be it humor, similar morals and goals, etc etc.

A lot of you seem to think that since you'd never hit a girl or cheat on her, girls should be falling for you left and right. You know what that says about what YOU think of men? It says that you think men are so fucking awful that when one nonabusive one comes around, girls should be dropping at his feet.

Furthermore, that "asshole" that's getting the girls, is either

1. Not REALLY an asshole or

2. Good at pretending to be a good guy.

Because in all honesty, girls are very naive when it comes to guys and their intentions.

For those of you nice guys that think like this:

here's a video:

Why Treating her Good isn't Enough
16 Opinion