Why are Turkish girls so bitter towards European and American girls?

I don't want to stereotype every Turkish girl into being "bitter" I'm sure there are many who aren't like this but I am yet to meet one who isn't rude and extremely bitter towards Europeans and Americans. If there are any Turkish girls who have some insight to this then please let me know! My boyfriend is Turkish I'm half British half Polish and he introduced me to his Turkish girl friends and his Turkish girl cousins and they was all really nasty to me they assumed I didn't know any Turkish and they was saying rude things about me right in front of me in their language and kept giving me nasty looks for no reason. I've been in Turkey for 3 months and the Turkish men haven't been like this it's only the Turkish girls? I also invited my American friend and they was laughing at her and making rude jokes and mocking American culture
Does anyone know why this could be? Like why they might of been acting that way?
Why are Turkish girls so bitter towards European and American girls?
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