Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?

Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?

I got the pot bellied pig on Sunday and still haven't came up with a name for him. He turns a year old (12 months) on March 4th. I do not want any names like bacon, ham, dinner, etc. If you can think of anything else that would be great! Thanks!
Tubby Wubby
Tubby Lumpkins
Fatty Watty
Piggly Wiggly
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It's a boy
+1 y
Please stop saying i'm poor white trash, we are not poor. We live in SoCal not the south. My parents said the pig was pretty expensive. We are not white trash just because we have a pig. Some cultures eat dogs and cats instead we keep them as pets. There is nothing wrong with having a pig as a pet, it doesn't mean you are trailer trash. Pigs are pretty expensive. If your going to be rude, please stop, your just showing what an asshole you are, and its not cute or funny
Which name should I name my mini pot belly pig that I got for Christmas?
39 Opinion