Random reflection: Have you noticed how really every short guy you meet always know some form of martial art like karate or jujustu?

I'm pretty tall and I'm into martial arts. A lot of martial arts can even the odds for short guys fighting bigger stronger men. Aggressive bullying assholes tend to pick a fight with short guys because they see them as weak and an easy target that they can defeat and are reluctant to pick a fight with someone bigger than themselves.
I was at a bacholer party once where this large steroid freak with roid rage and a need to compensate for his baby dick decided to harrass and pick a fights with a lot of guy, he started on this one short Thai guy who tried to be polite and was willing to overlook the insults but that wasn't enough for hulk Hogan, he took a swing at the Thai guy who block the punch by covering his head and then proceeded to beat the shit out of captain America, put him in hospital. Though the white Ronnie Coleman was the groom's brother it was very satisfying watching him get the shit kicked out of him by a guy who turned out to be an amateur muay Thai fighter in Atlantic city in for some kick boxing tournament or demonstration.
I've never really seen martial artists short or tall picking fights but I have seen some short guys have A Napolean complex, I know a guy like this he compensates for being short by body building. I've also seen a lot average height guys who just like starting shit, fights can happen whether you want to be in one or not that's why many practice martial arts because it can give you an edge to avoid being seriously hurt and defend yourself.

Random reflection: Have you noticed how really every short guy you meet always know some form of martial art like karate or jujustu?
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