Why are Americans such huggers?

Why are Americans such huggers?
Why are Americans such huggers?
Look, nothing is wrong with affectionate hugging when it’s sincere.

It’s obligational hugging that I really don’t like. Business partners you maybe see once a year but you need to hug if you talk everyday even if maybe that isn’t your rapport. Others that is your extremely close report. You’ve met so many times and ultimately trust each other to know what to other would want to do.

Then there’s hugging acquaintances. This is okay, the side hug.

My favourite point in a relationship with a friend is the them knowing i don’t like hugs phase. Happens early, we don’t hug hello and goodbye. But my hugs mean something and they know it. Hugs are meant to comfort not greet.

Does anyone else know what I’m talking about?

You’re in a meeting or group of friends and one person hugs then the rest do so you now have to. Half of those people only hugged because that was the tone hugs not handshakes.
Why are Americans such huggers?
14 Opinion