Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?

I understand that this is needed if for self defense but sometimes, even in self defense it should not be used unless it is necessary. Women seem to overuse this. Do you think it is a problem in our society?
Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?
Sometimes a woman might fake like she wants a hug and ends up reacting this way. And in other times, she seems not to regret it even when knowing he didn't pose an extreme threat.
Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?
Like when a man is simply just grabbing an arm and not trying to do anything but bring her closer, she might go for this cheap shot.
Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?
Now when a woman is choked, then yes. It is very necessary to send this low blow as women are typically far weaker than men and this is her neutralizer and sometimes only change. She must time it right or it can cause danger.
Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?
Even in karate, you will see these mixed matches where the referee is not looking and the girl or woman might go for this cheap illegal shot. Many feel if they can get away with it, then it is not her problem but his.

Please share your views how we as a society can use discernment to know when to use these skills and when not to! Also, does it anger you when women does this in non attacking situations?
Women are smart for it
Women doing that is a disgrace
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I meant only chance, not only change.
Do you consider it dirty fighting when women give low blows even when not for self defense?
6 Opinion