What are your thoughts on the lack of empathy from women in The Reddit Empathy thread?

Some one on Reddit asked "What's a male societal issue you aren't empathetic towards?"

It got around 500+ comments. This is a few things they said.

They said: (Examples of what you'll see in the thread)
-Being "friend zoned" like they're the victim.
-Men whining about women not wanting to have a kid and getting abortion
-Lack of matches or success that men have on dating apps
-Their complaints that they feel falsely suspected of being dangerous when women behave overly cautious
-“not all men”
-Not being able to express their feelings complaint
-Men don’t get compliments
-When they complain about height preferences
-Men get raped too
-Anything men complain about (Reddit women said because men run everything)
-When men get angry at their partner secretly getting an abortion
-When men complain about false rape accusations
-Being unattractive
-Upset that women see them as threats/scary and are wary of them

What are your thoughts on the lack of empathy from women in The Reddit Empathy thread?
What are your thoughts on the lack of empathy from women in The Reddit Empathy thread?
6 Opinion