Would you support a law that makes adultery illegal?

Would you support a law that makes adultery illegal?
Countries where Infidelity is (or isn't) frowned upon (Reddit)
Would you support a law that makes adultery illegal?
Would you support a law that makes adultery illegal?

In my country a spouse can face up to 5 years in prison for adultery. Now I don't think this is actually enforced, but the law is there. I wish it could be more enforced and not just on paper.
One might say "No that's pity, I will just leave them and find someone else) but to me this isn't a valid-enough argument because the harms of infidelity goes beyond the individual-level, but impacts society as a whole.

I actually support adultery law for multiple reasons:
1) It causes mental and emotional harm to the people who get cheated on. It can even cause depression and extreme emotional distress. Possibly more.
2) It puts the cheated-on spouse at risk of contracting an STD. This happened before.
3) It destroys the family unit. The family unit is the backbone of society. Therefore infidelity also destroys societies. It breaks marriages, it desacralizes the marriage institution.
Would you support a law that makes adultery illegal?
141 Opinion