Why are people so antisemitic these days?

Everything seems to be blamed on the Jews. Like 9/11, covid, or any tragedy. It’s completely unsubstantiated. There’s also so many stereotypes surrounding Jewish people. They say we’re sneaky, manipulative, money obsessed, greedy pigs.
We’re just normal people.

The left calls us fascist capitalists. They say we’re what’s wrong with the world. The right calls us greedy mind controlling illuminati members. They say we’re what’s wrong with the world.

BLM has turned anti-Semitic even. The UN targets Israel in an unfair way turning a back to real humanitarian crises. Politicians make up lies about Jews and Israel. None of it is constructive criticism. There’s just so much lies and hate. No one cares too much when we’re victims of hate crimes. Our fear and suffering is ignored despite the fact that we’re a massive minority. Outside of Israel we can’t fight back due to our small numbers. Being a Jew in a place where I only know 2 other Jews, I really get targeted when it comes to harassment and racist comments.

I can’t help that my family is Ashkenazi. It’s in my DNA and it is my heritage.
Why are people so antisemitic these days?
27 Opinion