Do you agree with me that Tuna Lives Matter (TLM)?

Do you agree with me that Tuna Lives Matter (TLM)?
If you're like me, you like to wind down the day with a delicious dolphin & cheddar melt sandwich, and a bottle of Chianti.
But I ONLY buy my canned dolphin if I know it's tuna safe. I would hate to think that some reckless asshole, fishes with one of those dolphin nets that accidentally catch innocent tuna in the process.
But the people who appose me say: "But, Kimmy, dolphins are smartly, so we shouldn't kill them." And I say: "Oh, yeah? Well, I know a guy who's as dumb as a fence post, and he's the leader of the free world!. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!"
I think dolphins are big show-offs
I like how tuna fish are humble, and just go with the flow
I wish we had a tuna fish for president, because it would be a huge improvement
I've been saying that TLM for years
Some of my best friends are tuna fish
A dolphin once pulled a knife on me in San Fran, but they no longer have police, there
Orange Man Bad
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Do you agree with me that Tuna Lives Matter (TLM)?
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