If you get really mad, are you able to still be nice and polite to people who aren't the source of your anger?

Or do you take it out on anyone you interact with while mad?

I personally can flip it off like a switch, I could be absolutely pissed the fuck off at someone over something very serious, but if someone who didn't wrong me starts up a convo, it's like nothing happened.

I will still be pissed off mind you about x thing, but the innocent party won't see it because I will be 100% hiding it.
Yes, I can compartmentalize my feelings and don't take my anger out on others.
No, if I'm mad it's best to avoid me, even if it's not your fault.
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By "mad" I'm refering to angry, not crazy.
If you get really mad, are you able to still be nice and polite to people who aren't the source of your anger?
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