Are hurtful words as bad as threats to you?

I had a blue user tell me that the threat of violence has no reason to be unconstitutional while mean words are constitutional because "apparently" mean words can cause *schizophrenia* (LOL) & are just as bad?

"I hate blacks" = protected speech.

"I am going to kill you Joe" = incitement.

Am I alone in thinking this is a really strange false equivalence?
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+1 y
I am glad to see common sense prevail.

Equating threats with name calling is retarded ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+1 y
Everyone give a certain commenter a big thumbs-up for slandering me over my disability xD

Imagine wanting to ban hate speech and then engaging in it.
Are hurtful words as bad as threats to you?
Post Opinion