Why do so many white guys have an inferiority complex these days?

Lots of white guys are shy these days, avoid conflicts, fear approaching women. They're obsessed with height, peepee size, money...

Some nurtur a kind of self-hatred that resembles schizophrenia. I've seen a white guy on tiktok suggesting Asian girls not to date WM because "white men kill Asian women." This is so retarded... How failed white society has become!

There's one on this app pretending to be an Asian girl to speak ill of white men. 😆

The most bizarre ones seem to idolize black guys and think that black guys are bigger, better in bed etc, despite the lack of evidence to it. They took an incel meme for truth. 😂

Tsk, tsk, see what Cultural Capitalism has done to you, white guys!
Why do so many white guys have an inferiority complex these days?
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