Should we have mandatory Covid vaccines nation-wide? What do you think?

New Orleans city council has made it mandatory for everyone 5 years and older to either have a vaccine to enter restaurants and other places, or have a negative Covid test within the previous 72 hours.

I think we should flat out require full vaccination to go to school, college, work place, or restaurants and other public places. It's ridiculous people keep spreading the disease around and KILLING other people because they refuse to get vaccinated. Almost 80% of all Covid deaths are unvaccinated, which proves vaccinations work at stopping the spread and they especially work at saving the lives and health of the vaccinated person.

Please grow a brain, and get your entire family vaccinated.
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Maybe we can start charging parents for reckless endangerment of a minor or negligent homicide if their unvaccinated child gets hospitalized or worse dies, or sue someone else if your vaccinated loved one with diabetes dies because they caught covid from an unvaccinated individual.

If forgetting your child in a hot car should be negligent homicide, then refusing to get vaccinated should be negligent homicide if someone else catches the disease from you.
Should we have mandatory Covid vaccines nation-wide? What do you think?
61 Opinion