Is Jim Crow coming back to the US?

I think so.

But I blame this on the Democrats who are still in control controlled by the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK does not want blacks to integrate into society so they have been very clever and have used the Democratic party to control and brainwash black people into believing that the world is out to get them and that every one and their mother is racist. The victim mentality is very ingrained into the black mindset. This breeds paranoia and bitterness and a learned helplessness.

In many universities there are separate dorms and gradation ceremonies for black students. Many lefties will say that this new segregation is on black terms and so it can not be Jim Crow. But I would say that in the end it does not matter - the end result is the same: institutional racial segregation. This may seem trivial but only a few years ago many people dismissed "woke" culture as something isolated to university campuses. Now it has spread to corporations and many government bodies. The same will also happen with racial segregation in a few years - soon black leftists will demand segregated workplaces , public schools, etc all under the guise that a black space is needed and that the presences of whites is in and unto itself racist. Laugh at me now but come back in 15 years or so.
Like I said Jim Crow is coming back but with another name.
If I were Grand Cyclops ( or whatever) of the Ku Klux Klan I would be dancing for joy right now.

Way to go leftists.
Is Jim Crow coming back to the US?
not sure
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Is Jim Crow coming back to the US?
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