- +1 y
It’s not just the women that are raped.
there are a frightening number of male rapes in wars and conflicts.
https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/report/s-2019-280/Annual-report-2018.pdf20 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
No, that will not happen, because unlike Western Europeans (and Americans), Russians are a civilised people.
Look into the reasons why so many in the West think so poorly of Russia. Hint: search for 'Reinhard Gehlen'.
Here's something to get you started: https://www.historynet.com/reinhard-gehlen-the-nazi-spy-chief-turned-cia-agent.htm
You've been fooled into believe lies.01 Reply
10K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yeap absolutely. It happens every time anyone invades a new area.
10 Reply
its sad but its guaranteed to happen
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
525 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Depends on how you define in mass and also on whether Ukrainians are able to evacuate faster than what Russians can advance.
However they already shot down a passenger aircraft while the conflict was in a lesser intensity so it might be a gloves off scenario if they invade full scale.00 Reply- +1 y
Probably after they are done killing all the men.
We need to immediately admit Ukraine into NATO and retake Crimea. Then put Ukrainian nuclear weapons back.
Putin is a criminal despot. You can't give him an inch.212 Reply- +1 y
The son of a single mother, who grew up on welfare, is tired of life, it seems. Dude, I get that your life is shit, but, believe me, people like you will pay a huge price if you led us to war and ruin our youth's dreams.
Do you you wanna war? A civil one can teach you how tired people are of hearing your leaders' bullshit and their imperial adventures. - +1 y
Putin isn't my leader, he's a despot. Capitulation like that lead to WWII if you remembered history. - +1 y
@Robber_Baron in any case, Putin is like all despots, a coward at heart. He will back down if confronted. He should have been stopped before invading Crimea, now he wants the rest. Capitulation is what is leading to war.
- +1 y
Why didn't your mother just abort you? Now we have to deal with a suicidal maniac that loves war.
- +1 y
@Robber_Baron I don't "love war" I simply think giving in to Putin is what is leading to it. Putin's gas line to Europe pressuring them to do nothing which made sanctions by the USA over the invasion of Crimea useless.
The USA has been attacked by Russia , is under attack by Russia. Not conventionally, but we certainly would never have had the Trump administration, or been divided by political ideology in a way I've never seen in my lifetime, if it wasn't for the constant and years long efforts of foreign adversaries especially Putin and Rupert Murdoch.
Putin managed to grab a chunk of real estate last time from Ukraine, he wants more. The belief he can get more is what's leading us to the war you say you don't want. - +1 y
@Robber_Baron as for being the son of a single mom. Having no one to depend on taught me how to deal with bullies. If they try to take your money you take their eye. If he says he does not want NATO you make them a member if he doesn't want nukes in Ukraine (a deal he broke!!!) you put them there immediately and make him give you something to take them out.
Because there is no satisfying Putin any more than
Donald Trump. - +1 y
"The USA has been attacked by Russia , is under attack by Russia. Not conventionally, but we certainly would never have had the Trump administration, or been divided by political ideology in a way I've never seen in my lifetime, if it wasn't for the constant and years long efforts of foreign adversaries especially Putin and Rupert Murdoch."
If the USA hasn't been attacked via conventional means (i. e. militarily) then it hasn't been attacked, and you're not at war. Propaganda doesn't count as an offensive action. Going by your logic, Rupert Murdoch is Australian, so is the USA at war with Australia as well?
It's people like you who cause all the trouble, all the wars. You would have a thriving career if you worked for the hawkish Washington establishment, i. e. the swamp.
- +1 y
@Robber_Baron "Why didn't your mother just abort you? " ad hominem and personal attacks , I'm done here.
- +1 y
@Gal67 I only have one account. I take it you are also robber_baron?
- +1 y
Honest question, neocon: How many of our young men need to die because of your belligerence and hysteria?
1.6K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yes. When Soviets were "liberating" my country in 1945 their soldiers commited a lot of rapes on Polish women. One of them had a phone pushed into her vagina. But it's not something you talk about, even though the civils suffer the most on wars.
00 ReplyThe term is en masse & it wouldn't surprise me if any military force did that sort of thing.
00 Reply- +1 y
You need to get a girlfriend and a job, dude.
14 Reply- +1 y
Shut the fuck up, incel scum.
Yes, every army does that...
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
Maybe they would
00 Reply
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