Why are boomer Americans so insanely stupid when it comes to driving?

This is a big problem with the states and something needs to be done. It’s almost NEVER a young person. Over my past 5 years of driving, I’ve encountered ONE young piece of shit who had no regard for others’ lives and cut everyone off. I had a guy today coming out of a gas station. He cut me off as he got on the road. I changed lanes to the left (the passing lane) so I go faster and wouldn’t tail gate him. I used my blinker and everything. Apparently this shattered his ego and he cuts me off aggressively and comes to the left with no blinker on. I proceed to give him the middle finger and honk the fuck out of him. Another time, a biker on a highway was going on on a two lane which eventually becomes one. I didn’t wanna tail gate him so I come to the left to get in front. That broke his ego and he gave me the middle finger 🤣. Someone please pass a law and get these mentally ill boomers off the road. Don’t even get me started on the faggots who block the left lane on highways. That’s another topic entirely for itself.
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Why are boomer Americans so insanely stupid when it comes to driving?
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