Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime?

She’s in jail for it now. Hulu docuseries if anyone cares. I don’t really.

Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime?

Another similar case in another state, but SCOTUS overruled. Not sure what’s different yet. I haven’t delved into it. I would assume the above btch would appeal if it was fed scotus.

Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime?

And finally…Emperor Hirohito told his followers, who thought he was a god, to not let yourself, civilian or soldier, be taken prisoner by the enemy. Thus infamously the Saipan cliffs has a memorial of where 2000 civilians jumped after American Marines conquered in ‘44. Not before slitting their babies throats though.

We let him off in hopes he could transition Japan to its more secular and progressive self it is today Now they just want American girls panties mailed to them.

Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime?
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Is telling someone to commit suicide a crime?
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