Do you agree with this woman when she talks about men being treated like trash in society?

This woman highlights a few reason why men are going their own way in society. For those that don't want to watch the whole video it's as followed:

1. Both men and women put the blame of everything that goes wrong in society on men.

2. If a man expresses his sensitivity or emotions he is told that he has a fragile ego

3. If a man wants to defend himself against women in an argument, she will shame him into stating he has shallow ego or toxic masculinity.

4. If a woman says something offensive she is protected by both men and women. If a man says something offensive he is cancelled (with no limitation on how far back he said it).

Example: Hartley Sawyer who made sexist jokes in jest like 10 years ago but got cancelled from the show flash after someone dug up his past tweets and brought them to the forefront.

5. Men often have to walk around on egg shells in relationships with many women quickly telling you that you are misogynist or sexist if you bring up their short comings. Men got mocked and ridicule in society and are just suppose to sit back and take it.

6. Men are more likely to commit suicides and make up 70% of all suicides

7. Men are more likely to end up homeless (2.5 x as likely as women). Yet there are very few homeless shelters available for men.

8. Men are expected to die for their country and take on lowest paying and grueling jobs that help keep society running.

9. Men are asked to go out and risk his life to defend his country and come home and find out his wife has cheated on him. And even though she cheats, the wife is still awarded alimony, child support and half of what he earns.

10. 80% of divorces are initiated by women and they are almost always awarded the financial earnings of their husband

11. Men always get harsher prison sentences than women for the same crime.

12. Men are blame for bad politics and politicians even though women are more likely to vote.

13. Relationships are self centered around women's needs.
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Do you agree with this woman when she talks about men being treated like trash in society?
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