Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?

For example she have almost all ideal features
Full lips small nose big eye's high cheek bones wide thin face. her chin is also cute she is also skinny and thick hair arch eyebrows etc but she is unattractive because she look straight up middle Eastern.
Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?
People only consider west Asian/north African women attractive if they look white or latina or mixed race or racial ambiguous in general.
Like Pokimane look half Asian and half white. So mixed race or racially ambiguous
Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?
This women look Latina
Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?
This women look European.
Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?
But people would start finding them unattractive if they said that they're middle Eastern. Because they hate middle Eastern. So looking white mixed race or latina or racial ambiguous in general don't really matter. This is why Pokimane rarely talk about being moroccan because she knows that it would make her unattractive and people would hate her. think about it which races are considered least attractive? Black Indian and middle Eastern and which races are most hated? Black Indian and middle Eastern. i literally know this one Latino guy who had approached this Indian girl was calling her hot etc but left after finding out that she is Indian not latina even said something racist. So it is not about looking like different race either.
Do you agree that race matter more than facial features on women?
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