Why should people support the United States and its global interests?

As a Western citizen, I studied the US history and found out that

#1 They supported right-wing dictatorships like the ones in Chile, Argentina, Brazil. And religious dictatorships like Saudi Arabia.

#2 In a time span of 60 years, they invaded Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and bombed Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, helped destabilize a dozen of countries and killed almost 6 million civilians.

#3 Every kind of bizarre behavior is quite much normalized in the US society. From mass shooters to husbands who enjoy watching their wives have sex with other men. The US culture seems really weird.

#4 It's quite obvious that the US leadership seeks world domination. An analysis of the work of the US most important "think tank" intellectuals, from Fukuyama to Brzezisnki, corroborate it.

That said, why should a non-USian/non-Western person support the US or the "collective West"?

#western #westernculture #USA
1 y
Correction: As a non-Western citizen.
Why should people support the United States and its global interests?
13 Opinion