Why do you think Shapiro & Peterson have not only an extensive following, but also a constantly growing popularity amongst a variety of people?

I believe in this time that we are living in, extremely divided and lost in many respects, Ben Shapiro & Jordan Peterson offer a whole slew of answers & guidance amidst all of this.

What I think they offer or provide to millions upon millions of people all over the world that I do not think many others offer are the following:

•Common sense viewpoints or takes on a variety of issues
•Reasonable and peaceful talks and debates
•Tolerance and hosting of other differing viewpoints
•Provides meaningful direction or orientation to those who are looking for such in their life, using a multiplicity of instruments such as morality, purpose, spirituality, and even religiosity.

They’ve interviewed, hosted, and had talks with a very wide array of guests from Navy SEAL Jocko Willink to comedian & political commentator Bill Maher.
Why do you think Shapiro & Peterson have not only an extensive following, but also a constantly growing popularity amongst a variety of people?
1 y
Shapiro & Peterson have a following that includes people of different cultures, races, sexual orientation, religions, politics, etc.
Why do you think Shapiro & Peterson have not only an extensive following, but also a constantly growing popularity amongst a variety of people?
Post Opinion