Girls, do you really believe liberal ideologies ultimately make you happy?


Time and time again I see larger percentages of women than men who favor leftist ideologies. I see it polls. I see it in comments. I see it in attitudes. I even see it on f*cking dating apps. And of course we know the voting percentages when it comes to gender.

On the surface I can understand why this might be. Leftists promise women the following:

  • So called “freedom” with you body. No shame for being promiscuous and/or aborting a unborn fetus if you aren’t ready
  • So called “awareness” of a “patriarchal” western society that oppresses women and a “need” to fight it.
  • So called “equality” (excuse me “equity” now) or should I say a so say wealth distribution to those with lesser means vía socialism.
  • So called “love” by not just accepting but taking things a step further celebrating those who take engage in alternative lifestyles (homosexuality, transitioning, etc.)
  • So called “justice” by demonizing historically “privileged” groups of people for the sins of their fathers.

From an emotional perspective I can almost see the allure of the above.

But I feel the our western society has reached a point where all the above are no longer truly oppressed. Even when it comes to abortion and Roe vs Wade you can have the freedom to travel to a state has no restrictions. Many corporations will even pay for your trip now. Some states are entertaining the idea of using tax payer money to pay for the trip. And of course you can take responsibility to prevent getting an unwanted pregnancy in the first place. I don’t need to elaborate.

But besides pro-choice vs pro life (and whether is true freedom or not) do you really believe the direction of the Democratic Party will make women have happier and more fulfilled lives? It’s a bit ironic depression rates keep increasing for women in the last few decades besides having all this so called “progress”.

Anyway I don’t expect to talk anyone out of their political views on here nor vice versa.

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Girls, do you really believe liberal ideologies ultimately make you happy?
2 Opinion