How do you feel about this map of America and how its political interests are accurately split?

How do you feel about this map of America and how its political interests are accurately split?
How do you feel about this map of America and how its political interests are accurately split?

MCheetah here. I'm posting this "anonymously" so that everyone can answer, even the far-left extremists that have probably blocked me, or I blocked.

Aside from a few outliers, like California, New England, Wyoming, or West Virginia, most of America is strongly purple, or "neither far left, nor far right." Most accurately, in the middle when it comes to politics. Of course, I've always known this, and still do. But the extremists are pulling everyone apart; both on the left and right!

How do you feel about this? Are you an extremist yourself (on the left or right)? Or are you in the middle like I am?

Inspired by this question here.

1 y
Some people missed my point and went the extremist "But the other side is still evil, anyway!" route. On BOTH sides.
How do you feel about this map of America and how its political interests are accurately split?
7 Opinion