Why is it that no one can have a meaningful discussion about race and racism without some white person getting offended because you said white in it?

Now I am half white and the reason I ask this anonymously is because I do not want some random right wing troll to try and get me banned or trying to kill me for daring to discuss racism on this site. Now a days I talk about racism, white privilege and slavery and these subjects does not offend me and I could care less if someone accuses me of being racist because they don't like what I said and same goes for the far right who don't want to discuss racism at all. However, what irks me is that even when a conversation is positive about white people, you have some lowlife twat say "How dare you generalize all white people!" and I am white and I know what I am talking about when discussing about white people and then I get "you are another woke liberal" or "Stop with the white guilt" after saying I am white. I have even had worse said to me, I have had some random guy on another site threaten to kill me for daring to call him a racist even though he was saying some racist stuff. Why is that no white person does not want to discuss racism even among other white people like myself.

Why is it that no one can have a meaningful discussion about race and racism without some white person getting offended because you said white in it?
Post Opinion