Why aren't Indian women, food and culture as popular amongst White Westerners as Oriental ones are?


I know one can easily argue this notion with me, especially since India almost seems like a milestone for young White backpackers, but I still don't see White people obsessing over it the way they do about Oriental cultures. A few go for the architecture and to study Hinduism, but for the women, almost never!

No one finds it awkward if a White guy dates and Oriental, eats Oriental food, practices Buddhism or watches Anime, but if you tell them you're into Indian stuff, like curry, enjoy visiting Sikh and Hindu temples and watching Bollywood films, they look at you like you're from another planet. I don't even tell people in real life that I'm into Indian stuff, because they don't get it and have no clue what I'm talking about.

Why isn't Indian stuff as mainstream amongst White Westerners, and what can be done to change this?

Why aren't Indian women, food and culture as popular amongst White Westerners as Oriental ones are?
5 Opinion