What is your opinion on "kawaii" or "lolita/nymphet" fashion?


Some people think it's too childish and grown women wearing these things "sexualizes children". Others think it's absolutely fine and just "overly feminine". What do you think?

  • Kawaii definition: "(in the context of Japanese popular culture) cute."
  • Lolita definition: "Although the term 'Lolita' has sexual connotations in Western culture due to the book of the same name by Vladimir Nabokov, in Japanese culture it refers to cuteness, elegance and modesty."
  • Nymphet definition: "a sexually attractive girl or young woman."

Here is an example of a Japanese Lolita

More of a princess look than childish
More of a princess look than childish
What is your opinion on kawaii or lolita/nymphet fashion?

Here is an American Lolita/nymphet

What is your opinion on kawaii or lolita/nymphet fashion?
What is your opinion on kawaii or lolita/nymphet fashion?

And lastly, here is Kawaii

What is your opinion on kawaii or lolita/nymphet fashion?
What is your opinion on kawaii or lolita/nymphet fashion?
It's too childish but I don't think it's sexualizing anything
It's childish AND it's sexualizing kids
It's not childish it's just very girly
I have a different opinion for each style
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What is your opinion on "kawaii" or "lolita/nymphet" fashion?
17 Opinion