Who are you more likely going to lose a logical debate with e. g. you know their right and your wrong (whether you admit it or not)?


I’m a man and I think about all the debates I’ve been in my life and when I’m logically proven wrong about a viewpoint it’s usually by other men. Sometimes I won’t admit it out of pride. I might stop debating but deep down know later they got me. Even if it’s not what I wanted to hear it might of been the truth.

However there have been a few isolated moments where women debated me with logic and it gave me pause. For example I remember debating with my girlfriend years ago about homosexuality. She argued that “gay people are born that way” and it was genetics. I thought it was a decision. She then gave me a plausible theory that Mother Nature created homosexual behavior as method to prevent overpopulation.

That theory gave me pause. While it was debatable it was true or not it did make sense. She used logic to convince me which was much more effective than emotion. I did change my mind for some time but later the issue of social contagion has come up in recent years. That’s another debate but I will give her credit about she convinced me about at the time. She said it with pure logic.

However when people use emotion to debate with me I usually only get more entrenched in my views. I also give up arguing at that point because I realize they don’t want to have their minds changed out of ego (especially when debating a woman).

But logic is different story. I care about what IS right vs. BEING right. There is a big difference.

Other men are more likely to prove me logically wrong
Other women are more likely to prove me logically wrong.
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Who are you more likely going to lose a logical debate with e. g. you know their right and your wrong (whether you admit it or not)?
1 Opinion