If the Constitution Party ever got someone elected president, how do you imagine life would be for you?


I know I'm asking a lot of you to actually think and do research here. Good. How long before that third party president was assassinated by the powers that were previously tolerated? How much of your liberty would you take back? How many encroachers would you deliver payback to?

Would you rejoice in a total Constitution Party USA sweep? Hard-reversal of Lawrence? Right to life of the unborn enshrined in the constitution even more explicitly? Death penalty for abortion practitioners?

Would you love to see all the unconstitutional, corrupt alphabet soup agencies decommissioned and investigated? The end of foreign donations to our elections? The end of foreign money laundering? The end of qualified immunity? Immediate jailing of school curriculum writers whose goal is blatantly the corruption of minors? Investigation and prosecution for depraved heart murder of those who killed children with puberty blocker drugs?

What sort of future would you look forward to?

If the Constitution Party ever got someone elected president, how do you imagine life would be for you?
5 Opinion