What's your biggest weakness?

Whats your Achilles Heel, shortcoming, or defect in life?
What's your Achilles Heel, shortcoming, or defect in life?

What's your biggest weakness and/or character flaw?
And no, you can't say "none" or "nothing."


PHYSICALLY: My sh*t-tier height. It makes me feel utterly worthless being small. I feel like a lion trapped in the body of a mouse literally every single day and words can't describe what it's like to have this physical handicap. There's other things wrong with my body, as 100% of it is sh*tty in some way (from my skin tone, to my ugly-ass face, to my small dick, to my Absolute Zero metabolism, to my hypothyroidism, etc), but being a manlet is the end-all, be-all thing I loathe beyond all measure. Because this happened to me due to Precocious Puberty, which is an early puberty that goes incomplete. It's a medical condition afflicted onto me and now I have to live a life with all of my hopes and dreams literally impossible to achieve, including love, companionship, and romantic relationships. If people ever wonder why I'm so negative, cynical, and Blackpilled on here; being a f*cking teen-girl-sized manlet is exactly why. For the two of you out there who were curious.

Whats your biggest weakness?

MENTALLY: My lack of ego/cockiness. See the above. I know I'm at least 'smart,' but in a world of morons, that means literally nothing, if not a weakness in itself. I just can't have ego, knowing I'm short/handicapped.

Does this apply to me? I dont even know.
Does this apply to me? I don't even know.

Those are my weaknesses. What are yours?

What's your biggest weakness?
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