Is this about as hypocritical as the Republicans can get, or should I not challenge worse?

House Republicans sent a letter to Merrick Garland regarding the documents found in Joe Biden's garage and home storage. In that letter, among other requests for information, they stated:

"The American people deserve transparency and accountability from our most-senior executive branch law enforcement officials"

THE most senior would be President, next being Vice-President, next would be cabinet members. How long is the list of Trump's staff and aides that refused to testify, are in contempt of court, ignored subpoena's, or took the 5th amendment to virtually every question asked? How many Republican Congressman refused to willingly give information regarding the panel's inquiry, for fear of self-incrimination?

WHERE has Republican transparency been during the most SERIOUS of investigations?
WHY didn't they stand up and rebuke the Big Lie then, and even now, after years of finding no evidence to support it?

Anyone else find this insultingly brazen and ludicrous beyond words, leaving irony in the dust? I do.

What are your thoughts from all sides, and please, keep it civil.

Is this about as hypocritical as the Republicans can get, or should I not challenge worse?
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