Do you think the American tax payers should have a say in what the government does with their money?

Like do you think it's fair that Congress can just give away billions of our dollars to Zelenskyy or illegals without asking the American people how they feel about it?

Do you think the American voters should have a say in how their money is spent?

Absolutely! Put spending on the ballot for the American people to decide
No, the American people should have no say in how their tax dollars are spent
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1 y
Oh właśnie, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard just said the same thing I said, that the American tax payers should have a say in whether or not our government sends money to Ukraine or sends us to war.
HAHAHA! And who was right?🤣
Do you think the American tax payers should have a say in what the government does with their money?
Post Opinion