Who are these people, and why are they allowed to vote?

Who are these people, and why are they allowed to vote?

My sister-in-law is the nicest person on Earth (way nicer than me) She has a great job, but as a side gig, she sells worthless crap to stupid people. I found the rooster pic on a website, and it's on sale for $500.00. (but it comes with free shipping) She bought one just like it at a junk store, for about $5.00. She has it listed online for $200.00 (it's not eBay, but I can't remember the name of the site) I really want to start doing this, but I'm no good at it. I bought a pewter picture frame for a buck, and it's been listed on her site for over a year. When you set out to buy and sell worthless crap, you really have to have a gift for it. I don't have that gift. She sells crap for hundreds of dollars, that most people wouldn't take if it were free. She's got a gift. "A fool and their money, will soon be parted'

Who are these people, and why are they allowed to vote?
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