Can you tell me why there are people who love to post personal problems on social media?

Can you tell me why there are people who love to post personal problems on social media?

And ask for help for those personal or private problems? Is there a excusasble reason for it? I mean I dont find any valid reason for it. Personal, friends orfamily problems or issues must remain privately not being publish on social media on blogs and worse to ask for help on them. Not everyone can give a good advice or recommendation, probably a few but not all people.

Posting them, does that help or rather it ruins things?

I know some may post their issues anonymously and that is why they post it, but even if it is anonymously iI dont think it is smart to do it, strangers do not need to know you are going through issues in your personal or private life, that is what the word means: PRIVATE OR PERSONAL.

There is a blog on Facebook that im a member of. It is a blog that it is called "A bit of everything". It is a closed forum and you have to ask to be registered so the administrators of the blog allow you to be a member. In this blog even if it is a close private group, you can post anything that you want from all ranges of sources. So poeple from taht blog post or ask for ideas, advices or recommendations regarding like where a person can eat the best cheesecake, or recommendations of a doctor in the area, or where they can find a certain dress or where to look for help to find a good carpenter or ideas to arrange a party, like I said anything you can ask and this is where people come also to this blog to post about thier most intimate personal issues or private and ask for help or where to find help so poeple can give the person idea where to look for help, so I had read posts about members asking for help because they are dealing with issues with their kids, their marriage, their partners, their relatives and they dont know what to do with.

Even problems related to intimate women body issues they ask or sex related issues too. Sometiems when I read those posts regarding such intimate or private issues is where I

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wonder Why they want to post problems about thei personal life. I mean can't they ask for help outside social media as noone or strangers has to know the issues that person is going trhough in their personal life? But before your post something the blog administrators, has to check if the post is admisible but in this blog the administrators do allow members to post the most ridiculous and nonsense personal situations. Here is just one of the examples of things post on this blog:
-Hello everyone!
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I would like your recommendations of a shrink who can help, My husband does not want more children (we already have one) and on the other hand I do, there is no way to agree and every time I feel that this will bring us more problems in the future. Thank you!"
I mean really this question? Well if the husband does not want more kids she has to respect that, Does this lady really needs a shrink to convince his hubby to have more kids?
Similar examples like this I have found on the blog
Can you tell me why there are people who love to post personal problems on social media?
9 Opinion