How would you change the US system?


Ok so I’m Australian so excuse my ignorance on this as I can only look at these systematic issues from an outside lens.

What I would change at minimum.

1. Abolish the fillibuster

2. Make insider trading illegal.

3. Term limits for the Supreme Court.

4. Codify Social progressive issues like Gay marriage, Abortion access, interracial marriage etc.

5. Completely reform the police system from scratch into a more modern system with out the in built racism systems currently in place.

6. Gun laws like they have here in Australia.

7. Remove privatisation of the medical system. Add a proper free medical care system in place.

8. 4 day work week with out reduction in pay. Better work productivity as proven by several studies and trials in other countries.

9. $20-25 minimum wage.

10. Make the voting system similar to ours in Australia. Preferential voting. Or so thing similar to let third parties breathe and break away from the corrupt 2 party system. No more electoral collage system.

11. Tax the rich more depending on their average income. Of my head example.

1 million and under no change

2-10 million: 5% more pay in tax

11-50 million: 10% more pay in tax

51-100 million: 20% more pay in tax

101-250 million: 30% more in tax

251-1 billion: 40% more in tax

2+ billion: 50% more in tax.

How would you change the US system?
42 Opinion