Oklahoma Gov, Sparks Protest over the Banning of Children being able to have a full permanent sex change, is he wrong or right?

Oklahoma Gov, Sparks Protest over the Banning of Children being able to have a full permanent sex change, is he wrong or right?

Today their has been outrage over Trans-Children and whether or not they should be limited to do a permanent sex change, until the age of 21 or not.

Personally I do not agree anyone should have to wait until their 21. I think at 18 a person is an adult & they can do whatever he or she decides to do with their bodies. But with the exception that anything before the age of 18 is a minor and is to early to make such a permanent decision for such care. I feel medical should be limited in that aspect if you're infact a minor.

A lot of people have argued over the years that people were not protesting for children to have a full gender sex change. As we can see it's true, people do want children to have full access to all medical health rights & care. So that children can make a full change, if they decide.

Do you think this is wrong or right?

1 y
Please move this to Society & Politics, it should not be in sexuality. Thank you
Oklahoma Gov, Sparks Protest over the Banning of Children being able to have a full permanent sex change, is he wrong or right?
Post Opinion