Is society making it more acceptable to label men (with no proof) nasty labels such as “pedo/creep” but conversely doesn’t allow saying “slut/cunt”?


The last time I ever the word “slut” being used consistently was way back in HS in the late 90s. I realize it might have been a zeitgeist a the time. However I do remember girls having their own set of negative labels for men like “creep” readily available back then too.

However ever since college I’ve noticed more and more women liberally using the word “creep” with no justification other than just getting a bad “feeling” from a guy. The even worse insult “pedo” is becoming more common too. Just today a woman on GAG suspected that her “virtual friend” might be a potential pedo/rapist just because the guy mentioned his stepdad abused his stepbrothers. She seriously thinks that pedophilia might be genetic.

Anyway I hear fewer and fewer men throw out gender specific insults to women nowadays. Especially if they unprovoked. Men know women usually get most upset when they are unfairly labeled promiscuous. Feminists have gone one/way ape shit when men (and other women) used this insult. I think it’s working because I’ve noticed fewer and fewer female specific insults like “slut, whore and cunt” being consistently used nowadays

However I do hear women call men (and even call other women) nasty insults like “creep” or worse “pedo” with no proof other than a “feeling” they have.

It also seems that when men are unfairly labeled something they almost zero recourse. If they get angry they just look more guilty or something.

Even when one of the worst of the worst insults like “pedo” used more often against me nowadays against men and there is a double standard attitude about it. Like the man is somehow justifiably labeled that due to “a feeling” a woman has (different story if there is solid proof). Like her feeling in itself justifies and vindicates whatever “feeling” she has as absolute truth or some insanity.

Is it just me observing this societal trend?

Yes it’s okay to disparage men with zero proof. Guys deserve it.
Nah both men and women are equally unfairly called derogatory slangs
Women get more unfair labels than men with no justification.
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1 y
Hey just for the record some guys definitely deserve negative labels due to their actions. I have called guys those labels. For example a man cat calling a woman or staring at her for a prolonged amount of time is rightfully called “creepy”.

However the very sad part is sometimes guys stare at woman non sexually because they are curious about something she’s doing or there something about her that (non sexually) stands out.
1 y
Anyway I judge other men and woman on their exact actions and words. I have met unattractive/weird looking people who give me the “creep” vibe but I check myself before labeling that. It does carry weight.
Is society making it more acceptable to label men (with no proof) nasty labels such as “pedo/creep” but conversely doesn’t allow saying “slut/cunt”?
7 Opinion